

    Central America on High Alert Due to a Voracious Locust Swarm

    An alert to detect outbreaks in Central America of the voracious locust (Schistocerca piceifrons piciefrons Walker), which attacks basic grain crops and some 400 species of plants, issued by the International Regional Organization for Agricultural Health (OIRSA).In an official...

    Costa Rica Continues to Advance in Solar Energy Projects

    Solar energy is an environmental solution that must be deepened worldwide. Currently, in Costa Rica, there are more than 180,000 panels generating electricity from the sun, spread over more than 2,200 facilities throughout the country.This type of renewable and...

    National Geographic Explored the Waters of Corcovado, ‘the Most Biologically Intense Place on Earth”

    16 experts went deep into the ocean depths to discover what the Costa Rican south Pacific hides. Although the findings were fascinating to the researchers, they also warn that illegal fishing and climate change have damaged the country's marine...

    The Full Recovery of the Jaguar Population in Guanacaste will take 30 more Years, According to Experts

    Increasingly frequent sightings of jaguars in Guanacaste point to a recovery. The jaguar, the largest carnivorous animal in Costa Rica, lost 46% of its original range due to deforestationWhen the Guanacaste dry forest is healthy, jaguars act in sync...

    Meteorological Yellow Alert Declared on much part of the National Territory for the passing of a Tropical Wave

    The National Emergency Commission (CNE) declared a yellow alert on the Pacific, South Pacific, North Pacific, Central Valley and North Zone of Costa Rica due to the passage through the country of tropical wave number 16

    New Proposed Law on Water Resource Management Presents Serious Flaws and Omissions

    The Environment Commission in the Legislative Assembly passed bill # 20.212 called: "Law for Integrated Management of Water Resources" without incorporating the 21 observations raised by environmental organizations through documents and hearings.The bill presents ambiguities that threaten the exercise...

    Wonderful Dominical, Continues Its Drive to Promote Recycling in Costa Rica

    Dominical never ceases to amaze its inhabitants and tourists, mainly for its animal species, its beaches, its landscapes filled with the greenery that characterizes Costa Rica. Nature lovers always look for new destinations, those that leave unforgettable experiences.Dominical is...

    Forest Innovation and Research has a Positive Impact for Costa Rica

    Given the questions and needs that have arisen in the national forest context, the Technological Institute of Costa Rica (TEC) has woven a close link with industry, research, and extension.With the emergence 28 years ago of the Center for...

    Costa Rican Food Production and Agrochemical Residues, a Toxic Combination

    In recent days, it was known that 19.5% of the fresh vegetables produced in Costa Rica have levels of contamination of pesticide residues above what is nationally permitted in the Technical Regulation of Maximum Residue Limits of Pesticides in...

    65% of the Fresh Food Consumed in Costa Rica Contains Agrochemical Residues

    A report published on June 10th by the Waste Control Unit of the Pesticide State Phytosanitary System, reports that only 35% of the food analyzed is free of pesticide residues, while 65% contain traces of agrochemicals
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    Fundación SMA as Support Network for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Costa Rica

    Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a genetic and hereditary disease characterized by a loss of muscle strength due to...
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