One of the most widespread conspiracy theories around COVID-19 involves Bill Gates. The founder of Microsoft, one of the richest people in the world, has been accused in various parts of the Web, wanting to benefit from the Pandemic.
As in 2015, in the framework of a Ted Talk presentation, Gates warned that the greatest danger to humanity was highly contagious viruses, there have been many who have claimed that the billionaire had advance knowledge of what was going to happen.

Despite the fact that films like Contagion addressed the dangers of Coronaviruses more early, since there was scientific research on it, some have even postulated that Gates is not only part of a new world order commanded by the elites, but would also seek to implant follow-up microchips to people using the vaccines that it promotes through its foundation.
In this context, and despite the fact that said theory has been denied on more than one occasion, Gates himself was consulted about it, since a recent indicated that 30% of adults in the United States believe in the conspiracy theory of the tracking microchip.
“We need to get the truth out there,” Gates, said. “I hope it’ll die down as people get the facts,” adding that he wants to bring the Coronavirus Pandemic to its end. “Let’s make sure we don’t have people dying just because they don’t have access to the vaccine, the whole world will get a good outcome from the vaccine”, he concluded.