Being a Man does not make you Immune to Breast Cancer.

Alert: men also suffer from breast cancer.

Although breast cancer is much more common in women. Men can have it too. It occurs most often in men in their 60s and 70s. Lumps in the breasts are generally not cancer. However, most men with breast cancer have lumps.

Breast cancer in men is rare.

This is because it is often not suspected in men, the diagnosis occurs only after a tumor has started to spread throughout the body, research shows.

“About half of men with breast cancer received a diagnosis after it had already spread” to either nearby or distant tissues, said a team of researchers from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Late diagnosis can be fatal overall, 5-year survival with early diagnosed male breast cancer was nearly 99% but was reduced by approximately 26% for men whose tumors had already spread to distant sites at the time of diagnosis.

Nearly one in 10 cases of male breast cancer (8.7%) was diagnosed at a late stage.

Men tend to be diagnosed later because they and their primary care doctors do not look for breast cancer.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer in men?

The most common symptoms of breast cancer in men are:

A lump or swelling in the breast.

Scaly or reddened breast skin.

Irritation or sagging of the skin of the breast.

Nipple discharge

Sagging of the nipple or pain in that area.

These symptoms can occur with other conditions that are not cancer. If you have any symptoms that concern you, see your doctor immediately.

What are a man’s risk factors for breast cancer?

Several factors can increase the chance that a man will develop breast cancer, having risk factors does not mean that he will develop breast cancer.

Get older.

The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age. Most cases of breast cancer are found after age 50.

Genetic mutations.

They have inherited changes in certain genes, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 that increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

Family history of breast cancer.

A man’s risk of developing breast cancer is higher. If a close relative has had breast cancer …


Men who received radiotherapy in the chest (chest) have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.

Hormone therapy.

Drugs containing estrogen (a hormone that helps develop and maintain female characteristics) that were used in the past to treat prostate cancer increase the risk of breast cancer in men.

Conditions are caused in the testicles.

If there are lesions or swelling in the testicles, or they are removed through an operation, it can increase the risk of breast cancer.

Liver diseases

Cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) can lower androgen levels and increase estrogen levels in men, increasing the risk of breast cancer.

Overweight and obesity.

Older men who are overweight or obese have a higher risk of breast cancer than men who are of normal weight.

How is breast cancer treated in men?

It is the same for men as for women it depends on the size of the tumor and how much the tumor has spread, on that depends the treatment can include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy.

In the same way, it is propitious to remember that breast cancer does not distinguish gender, age, or economic position, so you should check yourself frequently.

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