
    Alternative Work Models Gain Strength in Central America

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    The ways people decide to work are changing very fast. There are reasons for that. Greater autonomy, flexible hours and working for objectives are some of them. According to a study by ManpowerGroup Global Candidates Preferences, 45% of global job candidates prefer a different option to full-time or traditional employment. The study, which includes Guatemala, Panama and Costa Rica, points out that in Central America 36% of professionals prefer alternative work models that allow greater flexibility, compared to 43% who still prefer full-time employment. This was determined by a survey of nearly 18,000 professionals in 24 countries.

    Ignacio Casillas Orozco, ManpowerGroup Central America and the Caribbean regional director points out that, “Although [job candidates] continue to value the remuneration and the type of employment, aspects as the hourly flexibility, the willingness to take risks and the degree of autonomy are increasingly important. Factors such as conciliation, autonomy and continuous training are considered equally decisive when determining the candidates’ job preferences.” These preferences vary significantly depending on the market analyzed, due to factors such as the demographics of the active population, industrial development, economic dynamism and the existing regulatory framework in each country. 

    The study indicates that for those candidates who prefer to work by project (freelancers) autonomy is one of the main motivating factors. Those who prefer part-time employment value the economic stability provided by this modality, coupled with the benefit of being able to accommodate work with studies.

    resonance, coworking
    Millennials are the driving force behind the new model

    At business level, organizational structures need to adapt to a new work ecosystem that integrates different profiles and generations. For example, providing physical spaces and also having virtual work alternatives are a must for people who prefer greater work flexibility. In order to draw the attention of the best talent, ManpowerGroup offers recommendations to business leaders and human resources managers:

    ~ Do not opt ​​for a single solution. Design team strategies that are consistent with the preferences of the candidates in each particular market, especially in the case of multinational companies.

    ~ Offer greater flexibility for full-time jobs: promote flexibility measures, use technology to ensure that full-time jobs gain autonomy, regardless of location.

    ~ Prioritize professional development and skill improvement: propose a professional career that offers personal development and innovation. That can make those candidates who prefer alternative labor models, commit for a longer period of time with the company.

    ~ Use contact networks: take advantage of the formal and informal networks of the candidates who prefer alternative hiring and create efficient channels to deliver their qualifications to the company.

    “…the companies that are not updated according to the needs of the candidates are the ones that suffer the most…” “It is important that employers make appropriate decisions and thus strengthen their employer brand,” Casillas added.

    The increasing implementation of teleworking in companies all over the world means new business opportunities. They have also brought about a new workforce: the Millennials. These professionals are not constrained by geographical boundaries or 9 to 5 schedules. They have particular demands to be satisfied. Flexible hours, reliable communications technologies, and functional, yet not necessarily, permanent workplaces are some of them.

    As one of the business hubs in Central America, Costa Rica has embraced these changes. Coworking and coliving spaces have flourished. The country’s Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS) has taken regulatory steps and created laws, policies and manuals to pave the way for the incorporation of this type of work in public institutions. 

    resonance coworking
    The new quality of work life!

    Resonance is a young company. Founded in early 2019, it offers all the amenities and all the perks that Millennials require. In the words of Daniel Yepez, one of Resonace’s co-founders : “We are different [from the competition] in many ways. For one, we want to help companies and their employees evolve from a cubicle workplace into an environment where they can surround themselves with Costa Rica’s pristine nature, and thus further their productivity, as well as, their well-being.” 

    “At Resonance we believe that the results of the exchange and interaction between local communities and company employee’s can be mutually beneficial. Take our mentorship programs for instance. They are not limited to honing business acumen and competency but place emphasis on how people can lead a more balanced and fulfilling life. Mountain biking, yoga, ecstatic dance or natural healing through food can be mentored as well. Our sustainability-minded community will provide the knowledge and the people. From workshops and retreats, to get-togethers and freshly foraged community dinners, we offer an all in one package.”

    “We even have a WorkExchange Program. If you are a:

    Graphic Designer 


    Social Media Marketer 

    Web Designer/Developer 

    Nanny/Early Childhood Educator 

    Permaculturalist/Farm to Table Chef 

    Bodyworker/Yoga Teacher/Healer 


    Get in touch. We need people like you. Let’s co-create together.”

    Find Out More about Work Exchange at Resonance CLICK HERE

    resonance, coworking Costa Rica
    A Way of Life!

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