Curridabat, a town in Costa Rica’s, has proven its passion about biodiversity and the wellness of its people. Edgar Mora, the former mayor, explains his choice to grant citizenship to each bee, bat, bird and butterfly in the place.
Pollinators are the coordinators of the natural world, supreme reproducers and they don’t charge us for this. The plan to convert every street into a biocorridor and every neighborhood into an ecosystem requires a close relationship with them,”
This town is now nicknamed, “Ciudad Dulce” or “Sweet City.” These newly designated citizens are receiving special infrastructure to match their value. Reforestation projects, native species planting, green spaces and biocorridors are just some of the benefits that they will receive here. All measures to carefully control urbanization, that is a significant threat to biodiversity.
The idea came from a clear contradiction globally in which, people in cities are inclined to defend nature when it is far away, as a distant concept, but they are negligent and dubious when it comes to protecting nature in their immediate and present environment. Urban development should be firmly aligned with the preservation of natural ecosystems instead of the other way round.” Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a global leader in environmental measures. The country has plans to be carbon neutral by 2050 and currently obtains 98% of its energy from renewable sources.