
    6 Costa Rican Instagrams to Help You Feel Pura Vida

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    What is pura vida? The simple Costa Rican saying literally means “pure life,” but its applications go much further. Urban Dictionary defines it as:

    [quote_box_center]The law of the land in Costa Rica. The expression is used in many forms, from a greeting, to a synonym for ‘excellent.’ Ticos follow this lifestyle and are some of the most wonderful people on earth… Life is wonderful; enjoy it. [/quote_box_center]

    While walking the streets of Costa Rica, “pura vida” can be heard in many contexts: to say hello, goodbye, thank you, you’re welcome, life is good… the list goes on. It’s the tico version of Hakuna Matata or Aloha.

    So what does it mean to embrace and feel pura vida? Check out these accounts, and decide for yourself.

    1. @descubrecostarica

    Nothing more and nothing less than a great account to view the highlights of Costa Rica.

    2. @thisiscostarica

    Just “sharing the beautiful Costa Rica,” says their Facebook page. Contribute your own pictures with the #ThisIsCostaRica hashtag.

    3. @yogacrc

    Costa Rica’s comfortable climate, relaxed attitude and biological abundance makes it the perfect place to practice yoga.

    4. @will_costarica_puravida

    Local yogi Will Murillo lives by the motto: “Leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time.”

    5. @identicacr

    The official Instagram for the Identidad Gráfica Costarricense Magazine.

    6. @costaricacool

    Find more CostaRicaCool on their blog.

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