
    WWW: March Madness in the Celestial Realms

    All right friends, let me start with a disclaimer that I am not an astrologer. However, this March is wild up there in the stars so we need to talk about it.

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    All right friends, let me start with a disclaimer that I am not an astrologer. However, this March is wild up there in the stars so we need to talk about it. Whether you’re into astrology or not, having this many celestial events happening at one time is undeniably important. I have even heard some astrologers say it could be the most important month of our lives. So let’s take a look at what is coming up in our near future, and what these eclipses and retrogrades might mean for our lives.  

    First up we have Venus Retrograde from March 1 to April 12, and this is not a planet that often goes retrograde. Venus is the planet that governs love and relationships, so you will often hear people say that this is not a time to begin new relationships. This is actually an oversimplified way of looking at things. You see, retrogrades mean that the planet is moving backwards in its orbit, indicating a time to slow down and take reflection; so ask yourself – where is it that you need to look at your habits and desires in relationships? If the truth is that you have a hard time committing, this is actually a great time to step into commitment, as it shows you are overcoming your old patterns. Don’t be afraid of retrograde: take time for inner reflection. 

    Next up we’ve got Mercury going retrograde from March 15 to April 7. We’ve heard of this guy before, causing trouble with our technology and communications. I encourage you to use this same lens of understanding to see where it is you can become a better communicator, and give space and time to any misunderstandings. Have patience. It’s a great time to reflect on and improve the things that you’ve created and tighten things up instead of starting something new. 

    Did someone say eclipse season? That’s right. Let’s add a lunar eclipse and partial solar eclipse to this March Madness, shall we? The total lunar eclipse hits us on March 14, and will create a blood moon in the sign of Virgo. If you know a Virgo you may be familiar with the themes of organization, service, and sticking to the rules that this sign represents. Then, on March 29 the moon will partially cover the sun, causing the solar eclipse and representing new beginnings. Eclipse seasons happen about once every six months and create major shifts, possibly ending karmic cycles, revealing truths, and creating some emotional intensity. Eclipses can also accelerate spiritual growth, and open the doorway for upgrades. The thing is, sometimes upgrades feel more like chaos, strange energy shifts, or even exhaustion, so it’s important to rest and be kind to yourself during this time. It’s also important to ground (get into nature!), and to take your time making decisions – don’t be impulsive. It’s potentially a portal for major shifts, so take care. 

    Finally, we have the Spring Equinox on March 20. This is essentially the ‘real’ new year in many of the old traditions, a time to return to solar power and to equal day and night. This brings harmonious energies, and invitation for re-alignment as yin and yang return to balance. This is a beautiful time to give offerings to the land, to plant seeds literally and figuratively, and to clean your house. I encourage you to set intentions for this new season, to find a meaningful way to honour the elements, and to lean into the magic of the spring, like the Mayans and Persians did. Let this time of year be a doorway to step into the next evolution of yourself. 

    You have a decision: to look at things as out of your control, to feel that things are “happening to you,” or to realize that things are happening for you; that the macrocosm is a reflection of your own inner world, the microcosm, and to take your cues from nature. Be patient. Take time for reflection and meditation, especially this month, and take an honest stock of where you are in your life. What is working? What isn’t? What are you ready to let go of? What are you ready to step into? Allow this portal to help you evolve, knowing that the calls to slow down and to clean things up are simply a part of the cycles of nature. Let this beautiful time empower you to be your best self. And so it is. 

    Join me every Wednesday on Instagram & Facebook Live at 4pm EST for Woo Woo Wednesday, an oracle reading and intuitive message for the collective. 

    Resonance Costa Rica
    At Resonance, we aspire to live in harmony with the natural world as a reflection of our gratitude for life. Visit and subscribe at Resonance Costa Rica Youtube Channel
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