This past Tuesday a record of recovered patients from Covid-19 was reported in Costa Rica with 1,901. “These recoveries are due to the updating treatment protocols that the Health care provider’s areas have been carrying out on this issue,” said Daniel Salas, Minister of Health. Also, due to the increase in cases, there was a “back-log” in the reports.
It must be taken into account that since June 12th the change in guidelines were announced to declare when a person is considered recovered and ready for discharge and reads as follows:
• Asymptomatic: 10 days after having received a positive test result for Covid-19.
• With Mild symptoms: 13 days after having received a positive test result, where in the last three days the person must be free of all respiratory symptoms and fever.
To date, the total number of recovered persons from COVID-19 stands at 6,600. These recovered patients can (and should) donate their blood that will be used to make convalescent plasma.