The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – There are 1.76 million young people in Costa Rica, representing 37.4% of the inhabitants of the country, according to official figures. Only 29.5% of young Costa Ricans have completed primary education, 34.3% have attended high school but have not finished, only 13.8% have completed high school; 10.4 % report incomplete college education, and 11.7% have finished university.
According to a recent survey, only 44% of the population aged between 15 and 35 is currently studying, whereas the remaining 56% is looking for a job (40.3%) or looking after children (16.8%).
70.7% plans on finishing or resuming their studies in the next five years, 42.7% expect to find a job or improve their work conditions, and 26.9% hope to buy their own house.
The survey revealed that 52% of Costa Ricans are currently working, most are service workers and shop assistants (26.3%), or perform elementary occupations (21%).
A third group is made up by officers, machine operatos, and artisans (13.5%), scientists and intellectual professionals (11.9%), as well as technicians and associate professionals (9%).
The problems that young Costa Ricans mostly worry about have to do with lack of employment, insecurity, poverty, the high cost of living, drug abuse, and lack of educational opportunities.
The survey was administered to 2,800 people between 15 and 35 years old across the country. It has a margin of error of 2.5%.
The Costa Rica News
San Jose, Costa Rica