
    Weekly Festival in Returns This Saturday to San Jose

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    The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – Music, children’s theater, tropical dancing, face painting and yoga are just some of the options available for  those who come to the first “Fall in love with your city” festival for 2014. It has activities for the whole family, and can be enjoyed again in his fourth year in the Josephites park every Saturday of the year.

    From this Saturday, February 15th, young and old will enjoy scheduled activities such as courses and workshops in addition to traditional games.

    “This is the fourth season of the show. ‘Fall in love with your City’ which is meant for people to re-appropriate the public spaces and urban parks that are really designed for people to enjoy them. The park becomes an alternative place for art and culture free of charge for people in San Jose,” said Ana Beatriz Fernandez, a spokeswoman for the program.

    According to Fernandez, this year they are incorporating new activities, in addition to those already introduced in previous years.

    “This time we will have a workshop making items to play traditional games. We will also have presentations of many kinds on performing arts, circus, theater, and dance. The presentations will be a surprise, so the people who will be in the park will not know what event will happen,” said the spokeswoman.

    The official opening will be this Saturday at 3:00pm in Morazan Park, along with sponsors and the Ministry of Culture.

    The Costa Rica News (TCRN)

    San Jose Costa Rica

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