
    The Weaving Development Program

    Must Read

    German Carias
    I approach life as a continuous stream of opportunities for growth and learning through human interactions and personal exploration. In my quest for sharing a positive, dynamic, and nuanced perspective on world affairs, I became involved as an author for TCRN.In 2012 I was selected by Shell Oil as one of the top 25 global energy entrepreneurs.Involved in Blockchain Technology and Digital Currency since 2016.Passionate about transforming people’s lives through community CoLiving and CoWorking.

    Costa Rica collects illusions and governmental purpose of taking the road towards a more inclusive Costa Rica. From our knowledge, we know that there are many Costa Ricans who live in vulnerable states, so we encourage development centered on people, as a path for the access of citizens to a better quality of life.

    The country faces numerous territorial inequalities that impede growth and talent development of many Costa Ricans. The strength of this program is to place these actors as promoters of development; tap the full potential to transform constraints into opportunities for growth.

    We have worked for a paradigm shift to promote coordination between private enterprise, the state, and civil society organizations in these areas: regional, territorial, cantonal and communal. With this vision Network Coordination Territorial Development and Citizen Participation Article 18 recognizes the importance of social participation in the construction processes of public policy which was established by Decree 38536 ML-PLAN.

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    This network is made by the Office of the First Lady of the Ministry of the Presidency, Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy (MIDEPLAN), Rural Development Institute (INDER), Institute of Municipal Promotion and Advice (IFAM) and National Directorate for Community Development (DINADECO).

    Our efforts have led to concrete projects according to the needs and priorities identified by the people who share a sense of identity and belonging. For this is an undeniable leadership of local governments and partners needed for territorial development.

    So we are sure that the most vulnerable areas will do well, in a country that stimulates development supported by; boost economic growth and create quality jobs , combating poverty and reducing inequality, an open, transparent, efficient government in frontal fight against corruption; because it wants tangible changes, those that affect real lives of citizens.

    I invite you to be part of the wave of development, which is only possible if the threads of citizen participation, articulation, dialogue and political will are intertwined.

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