The University of Costa Rica is in the 901-1000 range of the Academic Classification of World Universities (ARWU), also known as the Shanghai ranking. This listing is made by the World-Class University Center of the Graduate School of Education at Jiao Tong University. In total, more than 2 thousand institutions are taken into account and the results of the best thousand are published. The UCR is the only institution in Central America and the Caribbean that is on the list.
Among the indicators taken into account to compile the list are:
– Number of students and staff who have won Nobel Prizes and Fields medals
– Number of most cited researchers, who are selected by Clarivate Analytics
– Number of articles published in the journals of Nature and Science
– Number of articles indexed in the Science Citation Index and the Expanded and Social
– Sciences Citation Index
– Per capita performance of a university
“Our research puts us at the first level; of course, we want to continue rising in the ranking, and to achieve this we need to continue investing in research linked to society, always working with excellence. I urge our researchers to continue with this level of service to the community and the institution”, commented Adrián Pinto, vice-rector for Research at the UCR.