The beautiful Costa Rican journalist and presenter, Natalia Álvarez, this 2022 started in a good way for her, since she renewed her contract with ESPN television. But, she will continue working from Costa Rica.
When Álvarez arrived at the aforementioned communication company, she had to work in Mexico, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, had to return to the country. Álvarez explained that she had been talking and negotiating with her bosses about the extension of the contract for a year, and is very happy working for ESPN.
“That was one of the unknowns, although a year before one was already talking and negotiating, but we have already managed to renew the contract. I am very happy because also in the midst of all the change in the way of working, of the methodology, one wondered, what is going to happen? How are they going to accommodate? Because the company had many changes, but said the proposal was given, the negotiation took place and here we continue”.

On the other hand, she pointed out to continue appearing on SportCenter, however, he acknowledged that the North American company has not returned to the regular programming they had before the current pandemic.
“We continue with SportsCenter Centroamérica, which is the one I had from the beginning and had another Sports Center 5, but that one has not returned, like other programs. The channel has not returned to the usual programming it had before the pandemic,” she said. Also mentioning that it has been a challenge to work from home, since she must check that everything works 100%.
“The pandemic has changed us a lot, in many aspects, because I have grown personally, but also professionally. Before, one just came to the studio to present, others were in charge of the information and the notes, I only came and put the microphone on, but did not check if the microphone was good, if it was charged, if the light was good, if there was Internet , but now yes I have to do all this. At the beginning it gave me a lot of stress, in case something went wrong, if the dog barked or I was left without Internet,” she quoted.
Finally, she mentioned to be totally single and gets along well with her ex-boyfriend. “That is another change that has occurred, I am alone. Right now I am calm and enjoying everything new in my life. We decided to finish on good terms from last year ”, she concluded.