
    “The Search”: An Essay for Healing Your Inner Being

    In the Search for Happiness

    Must Read

    Gerardo Mendez
    Licentiate in Education specialized on Cultural Development. English-Spanish Instructor/Translator. Proofreader/Content writer with an emphasis on Science, History and Sociology. Very Proud Father. Friend to all.
    spirituality costa rica

    In every therapy that I do, I always ask the same question: Where was happiness lost? Every person that comes to therapy only looks for an answer to this incognito, WHY I CAN NOT BE HAPPY? And this question has become the search for many people, but I also realize that they live in a psychodrama which is so deep that you have to take the time to dig into their innermost nature. Let us be aware, give a halt and search, why you live in so much pain? Why is everything negative in my existence? the inner nature weakens very easily with the habits that pollute as social demands and erroneous beliefs.

    The conscience is so perfect that when we hurt ourselves the body manifests it in a scolding sensation, but when you do a good deed for yourself, the body feels joy, happiness and transforms positively, therefore we practice honor with ourselves, to do what life shows us that is right, to respect ourselves, not to allow others to make our life a sponge for their personal use, we are not things, nor objects, that is why we do not practice “self-betrayal”, the body is so wise that it always sends you a message of help, so you can rescue it, we must be alert to our arrogance, it does not let us see that we are flogging, hurting, torturing ourselves, whether with our thoughts, actions or physically.

    I have observed in many patients that when they want to hurt or punish themselves they make bad haircuts, and they leave their hair shorter and shorter as the punishment is imposed on the reason. Another observation, to go unnoticed people acquire an extreme fatness, others have a lexicon that separates others from them, then people look at themselves in the mirror and judge themselves and cannot see the damage, because the root is so deep that it frames the soul and the heart with an impenetrable breastplate.

    Scrutinizing these thoughts I realize that there are few people who really love each other, that they give a yes to their self-determination to love each other, so we must think well before acting, we must stop being visceral and stop behaving like animals, reacting without measuring consequence with themselves.

    But in the same way, I analyze the problem being very flexible and I realize that the existence of low self-esteem is related to emotional hunger because it has not been given the adequate nutrition for the soul and life, such as love, respect, caresses, honor, approval, family blessings. Therefore self-esteem disappears, and people walk like bodies without souls, since these needs must be covered from the outside, and the family group must be a fundamental pillar in the emotional sustenance of its environment, but as we are emotionally malnourished children the imbalance is very marked.

    Any person who lives in helplessness and weakness, abandon their own self to acquire a pseudo-self that is driven from fear, and are the reflection of the demands of the external world, and are only pushed by the environment, this is why as an answer the aggressiveness towards the outside and the inside.

    We must break down, like a puzzle, enter a personal struggle, that is, divide into a thousand pieces, choose what we use to heal it, clean it and re-arm ourselves with what we have selected, put an order in ideas, thoughts, attitudes and above all in schemes, we must learn to defragment our ideas, create, give color and flavor to our life, put into our existence the nuance of hope, leave the ineptitude of drama and pain and start to see the positive.

    Walking the street a few days ago I stopped my car to give way to two gentlemen who crossed an avenue, I was absorbed looking at them and I saw in the magic, their smile, their happiness, their grace, they were dodging cars to cross the street and the people in their crazy race of life did not realize that one man was in a wheelchair and the one who pushed him was missing a leg and the magic was his laughter, his tranquility, his thanks from the soul a God bless from the heart, there is magic and it is there, in you, in everyone, you have to discover it and bring it out to give another meaning to being.

    One of the wisest ways is to face that dragon that monster that continues to live under the bed, have the strength to bend down and face our creation, and be responsible for it and say as a child get out and hence with my magic sword I am going to win, that sword is only self-love, self-determination, and that magical sensation of being.


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