The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock will Distribute Masks at Farmers Fairs

The first group of these masks was delivered last week to farmers in Desamparados, San Ramón, San Mateo, Orotina, and Heredia and this week they will be distributed to the rest of the country.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) will distribute 25,000 masks at farmers’ fairs that were donated by China and fulfill the function of protecting sellers and buyers of agricultural products at the fairs.

The Ministry of Health verified the quality of the masks and they were approved for use. The first group of these masks was delivered last week to farmers in Desamparados, San Ramón, San Mateo, Orotina, and Heredia.

In total, China donated 40,000 masks to the country.

The masks were donated by the companies Anhui Jianghuai Horticultural Seeds Co., Ltd (AJH), JHBiotech Costa Rica and the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, which sent them to the Ministry of Agriculture to attend “to producers and officials of the agricultural sector who serve these markets, as well as entry points for goods and people, “said Costa Rica’s deputy minister of agriculture, Marlon Monge.

From this shipment, 25 thousand protection masks will be destined for farmers to participate in fairs in all 82 cantons of the country, through the producer organizations that administer them and thus protect themselves and their clients from possible infections

“I appreciate this contribution and the solidarity of China,” said Vice Minister Monge, who explained that the logistics to bring the donation to Costa Rica and verify the quality certifications of the masks were in charge of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund.

Costa Rica has so far reported 866 COVID-19 cases in its territory, of which 565 are already recovered and 288 are active. Ten people have died in that Central American country from this disease.

VIAGuillermo Agudelo
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