“Finca La Senda”, in the Guatemalan community of Playa Tamarindo, functions as a training center for a project developed by Coopeguanacaste, R.L. in order to show the techniques of organic compost production to promote sustainable agriculture systems in that province.
The training plan was integrated into the Bio C Composteras initiative, which consists of processing pruning waste (branches and leaves) and organic household waste (fruit and vegetable peels) of the Cooperative’s associates to produce organic fertilizers.
During 2020, approximately 1,583 tons of organic waste were generated from the pruning that must be done to the trees near the power lines of Coopeguanacaste, R.L. in the cooperative’s coverage area on the Nicoya Peninsula. Those residues obtained from maintenance work will now be used by the project.
To achieve this goal, La Senda functions as a training center where the latest techniques for generating organic fertilizers can be learned from the eight groups from all over Guanacaste that so far are part of the Bio C Composteras initiative.
According to the work schedule of the promoters of the initiative, some 25 people from the communities of Santa Bárbara and Lagunilla de Santa Cruz have already attended to receive training. In addition, in the coming weeks, students from the Colegio de Mansión will attend, as well as groups from Barrio San Martín and Talolinga, in Nicoya.
Case of success
La Senda works as a farm for the production of vegetables, greens and legumes that are marketed in the area and; In addition, they supply 70% of the consumer products of the guests of the Hotel Cala Luna, located in Playa Langosta, which promotes a healthy eating lifestyle and wellness tourism, as explained by the Manager and Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism from Tamarindo (CCTT), Federico Pilurzu.
The development of the first Bio C Compostera started in January 2020 in Santa Bárbara de Santa Cruz where we worked together with the Integral Development Association and an organized group of neighbors.
Carlos Pineda, Agro Ecologist specialized in organic production who develops this plan in Coopeguanacaste, highlighted that for the rest of the year it is projected to generate five tons of organic fertilizer monthly.
“The community first receives training on waste management and the process of making compost-type organic fertilizers; later, the infrastructure is built in a public property of the communal organization, the organic materials are received for their treatment and the final product is extracted for its packaging and commercialization, ”said Pineda.
Karen Arias, Charge of Social and Environmental Responsibility of Coopeguanacaste, R.L. stated that in the current stage of the Project, groups from: Santa Bárbara, Tulitas, San Pedro de Santa Cruz, San Martín, Mansión and Talolinga de Nicoya were involved.
Later, groups of: Matapalo, Villarreal, Santa Rosa, Río Seco and Cartagena de Santa Cruz will be integrated, ending in the canton of Carrillo with the towns of: Playas del Coco, Playa Hermosa, Artola and Sardinal to add a total of 40 towns.