Strong weather system with 95 km per hour winds cause damage and power outages in many regions of Costa Rica
Fructuoso Garrido, Director of the Electricity Distribution Company National Power and Light (CNFL), confirmed that some sectors throughout Central Valley and other regions of Costa Rica including Ciudad Colón and Goicoechea Purral were without power due to trees falling on power lines.
Garrido also said that more than 25 sectors, which are not specified, they are also affected across the capital. However, these sites are without electricity because the “wind protections boot fuses and so we’re treating them,” said Garrido.
The Director of the Electricity Distribution said that cables are able to withstand winds of 95 kilometers per hour, however, the protections of the fuses and no trees so these emergencies occur.
Beleida Nunez, Abangares Red Cross, said the county is without power due to trees falling on power lines. He reported that some houses were also reported roofless but no people injured.
Said he has seen several ICE vehicles trying to solve the problem of light, however, the wind holds with the same intensity. “We are without electricity since last night but we have reported no emergency,” he said.
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica