The Cervantes Institute and the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) aim to place the Spanish as a second language of international communication and advocating a unity of action for this purpose, as announced in a discussion as part of the Hay Festival Segovia.
The debate-involving Cervantes director Victor Garcia de la Concha and the director of the SAR, José Manuel Blecua, economist and professor José Luis García Delgado and director of ABC, Bieito Rubido-was performed on Sunday the end of the festival.
The date coincides with the 439th anniversary of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.
According to De la Concha, 528 million people speak Spanish in the world through Latin America, but the language does not have enough scientific internet pages or official language in the European Union.
He also mentioned the advance of Spanish in countries like the U.S. and Brazil. EFE
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