Many people do not know how to deal with crippling mental conditions, such as anxiety, stress, depression, and panic attacks. The life of those who suffer from these problems becomes a black and white painting, where time passes, but nothing happens. It is debilitating, annoying, and very sad to suffer from such strong emotional problems, however, practicing forgiveness can greatly help you.
Yes, practicing forgiveness is a great step in overcoming depression and anxiety. Also, when you forgive you feel better about yourself and those around you, forgiving is the most sublime act of self-love. Discover how to overcome depression, stress, and anxiety through forgiveness and start enjoying a fuller and happier life.
If you are reading this, it is not by chance, there is some situation, person, or feeling that is making you uncomfortable, but you must let go of and forgive. However, forgiving is very difficult, many people live their whole lives without being able to make peace with themselves and those around them. Forgiveness is a very powerful weapon that pushes you towards a better life.
Why is forgiveness so important in treating anxiety and depression?

What generates depression and anxiety? Many psychological theories speak of genetic predispositions, trauma, and family constellations. However, depression is caused by an excess of the past, of old burdens that you feel as if they were happening today and you do not know what to do with them.
Forgiving your past and what happened, frees you, allows you to enjoy the present, and be happier. It’s not just about forgiving the one who hurt you, but also yourself and leaving the regrets behind. Sincere forgiveness is a form of healing.
Avoid stress and negative feelings with forgiveness with anger, resentment, remorse, pain, and helplessness, you feel a heavy burden on your shoulders, which you cannot share or decrease its weight. You can release them, just forgive.
Forgiving does not guarantee that you will not be hurt again, but it allows you to have an objective vision and gives you power over your emotions. You choose to release, heal, and grow through forgiveness. Using forgiveness not only takes the stress away from you, but it is also a powerful enemy against depression, anxiety, and fear.
Physical exercise as a tool against anxiety.
Go walking or jogging for 15 to 30 minutes every day, or dance, ride a bike if you prefer. Depressed people often don’t feel like being active. But make yourself do it and see how you feel better.
Eating healthy and balance will help you overcome depression.
Depression can affect appetite. When depressed, some people don’t feel like eating at all, but others may eat too much. If depression has affected you’re eating habits, you will have to keep in mind the need to eat well and consume all the adequate nutrients.
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