An alliance between the Hospital de Heredia and the Centro Comercial Oxigeno will allow a vaccination campaign this Sunday, May 30th in the latter establishment, with the aim of increasing the rate of COVID immunization for residents subscribed to the Cubujuquí Health Area. With this initiative, people belonging to group 2 (over 58 years old) can be vaccinated without an appointment.
The general manager of Oxigeno, Marcela Trejos, indicated that they have an area of more than 3,500 m2 to facilitate this mass vaccination process. “We are joining forces like never before, in order to accelerate vaccination and we invite many other companies to put their resources at the service of the country,” she said.
All set up
For her part, the director of the Cubujuquí Health Area, Priscilla Víquez, mentioned that all the details are being prepared to receive and apply sufficient doses of vaccines this Sunday to finalize the vaccination of group 2 of that town, in order to be able to start with group 3 as of Monday.
The time of the vaccination process in Oxigeno will be 9:00 a.m. at 6:00 p.m. The only requirement that people interested in their identity card must present up to date.
The Cubujuquí Health Area has registered 95,698 people, so this effort represents a great opportunity to accelerate the vaccination process in the province of Heredia