Today, a year after confirming the first positive case of COVID-19 in Costa Rica, our country continues to face all the consequences caused by a Pandemic that has left us without 2,833 inhabitants in the country as of this past Friday.
Many continue to question all the health, social and economic measures that have been implemented by the Executive Power and its institutions in order to reduce the COVID-19 impacts, even without clear studies that have demonstrated their efficiency.
Health care heroes
The heroes, for many people, are health care workers dealing with the thousands of patients who have needed care for a disease that until 3 months ago had no vaccine or effective medicine to stop its progress, symptoms or at least contagion.
The epidemiological report generated this past week shows that 2,833 people have died from SARS-COV-2, being in more than 90% of cases the main cause of death according to studies published weeks ago. This data places our country in the 14th place of countries in Latin America that report the most deaths due to the novel Coronavirus, a disease that does not discriminate.
2,833 Tico families in morning
Despite the efforts and care of many and the irresponsibility and disinterest of many more, 2,833 families today mourn their loved ones who are no longer there, hundreds survive its aftermath and more than 200 right now are fighting this new disease in a bed from our hospitals.
Of the deceased people, more than 1780 are men and more than 1600 are women, where unfortunately, babies from the age of 2 to adults over 101 years old, have not survive the Virus.