The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – Experts from Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama will gather today in Managua to debate about the importance of groundwater development in Latin America.
The debate takes place in the framework of the first Latin American course in hydrogeology, which also discuss the conditions that determine the measures of its use and regulation, the Director of the National Water Authority in Nicaragua, Luis Angel Montenegro, told reporters.
The workshop, which is three days and involves 22 experts from these eight countries will be moderated by Cuba, Nicaraguan officials said.
The goal, he explained, is to exchange experiences, practices and ideas about factors that positively and negatively affect groundwater. Besides providing basic procedures on use in geophysical and hydrogeologic investigations, they will focus on future research and well extraction.
The event is organized by the National Water Authority, with the support of the non-governmental National Fair Land and Water Resources Institute of Cuba. (EFE)
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose Costa Rica

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