With the aim of contributing to the labor inclusion and professional training of people with visual disabilities, the National Learning Institute (INA) signed an agreement with the Network Education for Work International (RIET) and Fundación Once América Latina (FOAL).
Developing spaces for training and exchange of educational experiences, as well as joint actions and lines of work in strategic areas, is one of the goals of the International Cooperation Agreement.
Importance and urgency of social inclusion

This is intended to raise awareness of the importance and urgency of social inclusion, to facilitate the insertion, reintegration and permanence of people in the labor market and thus promote the right to education and employment with equal opportunities.
Through this initiative, the project “Promotion of Inclusive Education for people with visual disabilities at INA” was managed, prepared by the Disability Coordination Service (SECODI). The plan consists of training INA officials to serve people with this condition, strengthening their knowledge, tools and strategies, and thereby supporting their incorporation into the labor market.
The project will be executed from October to December, through experts from FOAL.