
    National Government Signs Agreement to Reforest Hundreds of Hectares

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    During the last 20 years, reforestation in the country has decreased, despite the existence of state programs and the presence of private investment in pro-environment projects. According to the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) some factors that influence this problem are the high value of the land, alternative crop activities such as pineapple, coffee and bananas, as well as the scarce resources to create and maintain plantations.

    Against this background, MINAE, the National Forest Financing Fund (FONAFIFO) and the Foundation for the Development of the Central Volcanic Mountain Range (FUNDECOR), signed an agreement to reforest between 200 and 500 hectares per year, starting in 2020 and until 2027.

    Pilot project will start in Sarapiquí

    This project, which will begin with a pilot plan in Sarapiquí, includes the Payment for Environmental Services program and FONAFIFO credit programs. It is estimated that with the agreement, producers will be able to access financing that will allow them to conserve their land and cover costs associated with the reforestation activity.

    “While other countries are now rethinking how to build a new, greener normal, our country capitalizes on the revenues of the last 30 years invested in its nature and continues to lead with high-value and innovative proposals that promote economic reactivation for the benefit of the territories” , said Jorge Rodríguez, CEO of FONAFIFO. According to MINAE, this initiative also seeks to ensure that producers generate profitability from the production process to the final harvest.

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