The Israeli-based Kass business group will invest, approximately, US$ 500 million to boost various items in Honduras, consortium chief executive Hanoch Kass announced last week.
In a press appearance, after meeting with President Juan Orlando Hernández, Kass stressed that Honduras is a “beautiful, attractive, and very potential country”. The businessmen’s delegation is also made up of Joseph Eldar, Avraham Tobi and Alan Stahler Chairman, in addition to the group’s executive president.

“Our company, led by me, is going to invest in Honduras, for the next 2 years, approximately US$ 500 million for strategic development in the nation”, said Hanoch Kass. “We are saying that Honduras is not only the most beautiful country in Latin America but one of the most beautiful countries in the world”, he emphasized. He also predicted that Honduras will have a great change as a nation.
The Kass group focuses on making investments in the area of construction of tourist projects, commercial buildings, homes, roads, and other types of mega-infrastructure.
For his part, Joseph Eldar pointed out that relations between Israel and Honduras are at their best. He cataloged the meeting that the Israeli business mission held with President Hernández “as a very good meeting and that is why we are seeking the best for Honduras”.
He recalled that Honduras opened an Office of Commerce and Cooperation in Jerusalem “and we open investment funds for this country, investment funds to create in different sectors, in health, tourism, among others. That is why we are putting together a work plan”.
The Presidential Commissioner of Social Tourism and Air Connectivity, Emilio Silvestri, explained that this investment will strengthen the areas of tourism, housing, health, and energy. Israeli businessmen “have created a complete idea of what can be invested in the country in the coming years”, he added.
This important investment is a product of the achievements of President Hernández’s visit at the beginning of last September to Israel, where he inaugurated the Honduras Trade and Cooperation Office in Jerusalem.