The future of companies is young people; those who are finishing university and finding it difficult to insert themselves into the labor system. Generation Z was born in a completely digital environment and comes with a different and novel vision. Those who make it up will not sit still with this system that previous generations were used to.
The study “The Born Digital Effect” carried out by Citrix Systems, presented the information obtained from 1 thousand business leaders and 2 thousand young workers in 10 countries. Of the latter, 750 were Generation Z, (born after 1997) and 1,250 were Millennials (born after 1981).
The study revealed what attracts and motivates these young people:
• 87% focus on job security, safety, and a healthy work-life balance.
• 90% of respondents have no interest in returning to full-time office work once the pandemic is over.
• 51% prefer a hybrid work model where they can work from home most or all of the time.
• 21% would like to work in a hybrid way with time evenly divided between home and office.
• Only 10% want to work full time in person.
On the other hand, young people also classified the 3 most important aspects for them in a company, and what they look for when choosing one:
• 83% want autonomy or the opportunity to work in a highly trusted environment.
• 81% want compensation and rewards based on performance.
• 79% are interested in strong and visible leadership.
Thanks to this study, it can be concluded that “digital natives” are waiting to work in a different, disruptive and attractive way to work in “Hybrid” models (face-to-face and remote). The priorities are no longer a good salary, a reputable company or getting a certain position or “status”.
On the other hand, Generation Z has had to be more agile professionally than any other age segment in the face of COVID-19. 36% have changed roles or had to take on a new one as their companies have been forced to adapt the way they work or the skills required of them and, in some cases, to restructure their operations. In the rest of the ages, 28% had to change roles.

More challenging, respectful environments
These new talents will look for work proposals that allow them to develop in collaborative, motivating, challenging, respectful environments, regardless of age or experience, more inclusive, with awareness for the environment and above all, that allows them to develop their talents. According to a study carried out by the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, it is stated that 61% of young people do not consider that the measure of success is money. Rather, they believe that success is achieved through reputation and recognition.
These young people are as fast as technology. They are motivated by the interests of the future. Undoubtedly, the outlook of companies must be changed and schemes broken to evolve, not only young people will lose opportunities to develop but also companies by failing to attract talent to build companies of the future.
“Today, millennials and centennials make up more than 60% of the workforce of organizations, and it is expected that from 2050 onwards, it will be 75% of the people who make up an organization. That is, 8 out of 10 will be millennials or centennials. More than 90% of the young people that today make up these generations do not want to return to the face-to-face model of work, but are more predisposed to a hybrid model, with some days working from their homes and others, in the office”, says Horacio Llovet, co-founder of Nawaiam, the gamification platform focused on talent management. “Before we were educated with the concept of working to be able to buy a car, a house, etc… Today, the new generations work to live, travel, etc”, Llovet concluded.
Responsibilities has changed
Work is a means and not an end in itself. In fact, there is talk that the main crisis in the next millennium will not be, for example, economic but will be one of talents. How we start to find the necessary talent. Today, through technology and telework, people become possibilities of capital in the world, because the distance was canceled, given that available technology”.