If adapting to this situation has been and continues to be difficult for adults, children with special educational needs should not be forgotten as they are living through this complex reality and may have a really hard time assimilating it. In the current situation, the emotional components are the key to achieving at-home education.
Letting children express how they sincerely feel when doing a school task is highly recommendable. You can make solving a math problem goes from anxiety for not knowing how to solve it to joy for the satisfaction of finding the correct solution.
As adults, we must try to be an example of imitation and learning. For that, you have to find a series of tools and emotional strategies for each daily situation.
By our actions, together with a series of useful tips, we will be able to contribute to optimizing at home education while at the same time successfully manage the emotional aspects of our children, even more so if they have special educational needs.
A key aspect is trying to maintain a sense of normality as much as possible, for example, by creating and maintaining healthy routines.
A different kind of learning.

When talking about education, the concept of diversity is implicit in the term, due to the plurality of personalities, capacities, and characteristics, which makes it an individual adaptation for each student.
In the particular case of learning difficulties, an even wider range of differences is present. No two students are the same. Students with learning difficulties are a heterogeneous group.
Significantly present in this group is the acquisition and use of the ability to reason mathematically, understand basic concepts and learn to speak, read, and write well.
It is essential to mention the concept of special educational needs since they are not always related to a learning difficulty. In both cases, curricular adaptations must be made and the appropriate work methodology or strategy must be sought.
Family and school as a team.
We must reflect on the importance of the educator, his task and effort within the teaching-learning process, now that it has been drastically converted to a remote, at a distance process.
The value and appreciation of the teacher become especially important in these moments when their physical presence is not there. The guidance departments of educational centers in this case gain special relevance, transmitting guidelines aimed at emotional and academic management, organization of tasks, recommend materials, and how to control anxiety if we must leave the house are some of the support and help that can be given.