Although tourism is an economic activity that benefits the whole country, Guanacaste concentrates the largest portion of this cake because of its natural attractiveness and suitable conditions for the development of projects.

In recent years, this province has been the main focus of foreign investment: only in the first quarter of 2017, it attracted some 16 thousand foreign tourists, including the Discovery theme park and the remodeling of important hotel chains.
In that area 25% of the hotel rooms available in the country are concentrated; also houses a fifth of the establishments dedicated to the lodging in the national territory.
This creates at least 7,000 jobs, both direct and indirect, just over 10% of the total provided by the tourism sector.
“Our business model is based on taking advantage of the goodness of the area, providing sustainability plans and a very elegant design that allows the visitor to have unique experiences,” said Allan Ortega, spokesman for the Hotel Lagarta Lodge.

Guanacaste also stands out as an area for visitors with high purchasing power, which generates more resources for the region.
“It is incalculable to estimate the impact of tourism in Guanacaste; is synonymous with employment, investment and progress for the province and therefore for Costa Rica in general, “said Mauricio Ventura, chief of Tourism.
As part of the initiatives to diversify the province’s offer, the Government remodeled the Route of Birds, composed of 12 points of sighting between the cantons of Bagaces and La Cruz; with this is aimed at a type of tourist that spends between $ 2,400 and $ 3,200, with an average stay of 20 nights.
Each project that is carried out in the area is a vote of confidence for the province and is confirmed as a world destiny par excellence, this moves the economy, education, and local development; we must continue preparing to adjust to the demand, “said Priscilla Solano, president of the Guanacaste Tourism Chamber.

The rise in passenger numbers at Daniel Oduber airport, located in Liberia, is key to this growth; by the end of 2016 more than 570 thousand tourists arrived at that point, this figure represents 35% more than those registered a year earlier.

Since 2015, three new airlines were attracted to that airport, two of the existing ones expanded their frequencies and four new routes were created.
Another ambitious project that the ICT hopes to implement is the wellness tourism, through negotiation with private entrepreneurs in the area; Guanacaste has the potential to host tours before or after business conventions.