Diabetes, a disease that many fear, but what is it? is a chronic, non-communicable, and metabolic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body does not use the insulin it produces effectively and insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar and when diabetes is not controlled there is an increase in blood sugar (hyperglycemia).
There are: Type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset), Type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent, juvenile or childhood-onset), gestational diabetes (Pregnancy) and impaired glucose tolerance and impaired fasting blood glucose
What damage does it cause?
Over time it can damage the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves, also causing other diseases in the body if the corresponding care and prevention are not taken. There is only one published study on the incidence of DM2 diabetes in Costa Rica was carried out between 2000 and 2004 and included a population of 7,039 individuals, all older than 20 years, the incidence rate was 1.62 cases per 100 people per year and they were similar for both sexes. The authors indicate a prevalence of dyslipidemia of 67.3%. Obesity, considered as a BMI> 27, occurred in 60.8%. 34.8% had a family history and 19.7% had hypertension.
Am I at risk?
Yes, all people are at risk of having diabetes, since it is a non-communicable disease and its factors are multiple from genetics to our lifestyle. Could it be that with a good lifestyle I can avoid having it in the future or control the state of my disease? Of course, lifestyle is important, eat healthily and do 180 minutes of exercise a week.
I cannot eat anything with diabetes, will I starve?
You will not die of hunger if you put your heart together with your specialist you will achieve a nutritional plan, that you will eat very well without the feeling that you are hungry or that you cannot eat delicious food with diabetes, and to prevent it you will not pass Hunger or suffering is a bad concept that exists, if you have to check the labels of the foods you eat and there you choose which one suits you best if the one that says 30 grams carbohydrates or the one that says 2 grams carbohydrates, and which one did you choose?
The one with the least carbohydrates is excellent, I recommend you if you have diabetes or want to avoid it, go to a nutritionist and put together your eating plan, if yours because each organism has different needs and you have exercise.