Television channel France 2 issued a report on June 11th, 2019, where it portrays the relationship between pollution with agrochemicals and the pineapple industry for export in Costa Rica.

The report exposes the number of pesticides that are used in the pineapple expansion, and the impact it has had on the supply of drinking water in communities surrounding pineapple plantations.
In the year 2018, it was known that the communities of Pital, Veracruz, Santa Rica de San Carlos, Río Cuarto of Grecia were contaminated by the agrochemical Bromacil. A year later, many of these community aqueducts have had serious problems in continuing to supply water.

France 2 incorporated this report in its collection ‘Alerte Pollution’. In the same emission, it noted that “the pineapple has seen its consumption triple in 15 years, and the largest producer in the world is Costa Rica -which is around 9,000 kilometers from France-, where crops can be grown all year round thanks to the sun, but also to pesticides”.
In addition, the French media highlights Costa Rica as “the largest consumer of pesticides in the world”.