
    Exponential Growth of the Real Estate Market in Liberia

    And the world is noticing it!

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    The town of Liberia, located in the province of Guanacaste, is today, and for the next decades, a benchmark of impressive growth in its real estate and services sectors.  This article illustrates some visible signs that the “boom” in this commercial and residential real estate market in Liberia has already begun.

    Costa Rica is a very safe country, with a stable economy and a constantly growing Eco-Tourism sector, quickly becoming a benchmark of progress for neighboring countries.  Likewise, the country treats citizens and visitors equally, who enjoy the same legal rights as nationals.  Along these lines, real estate laws have been established that promote growth and foreign investment.  For example, real estate can be purchased by foreigners and travelers, either under a private name or as a newly registered company established in the country, with the respective advice of a local lawyer (notary public).  This, in large part, is the reason why Costa Rica has emerged as one of the most stable and desired countries within the Central American Region.

    Liberia is the capital of the province of Guanacaste, which currently enjoys the fastest growth rate in ecotourism in the country, thanks to the infinite wonder and beauty of the area.  One of the country’s two international airports is located in Liberia, receiving nearly 1.1 million visitors (2016).  This growth and the surrounding infrastructure has caught the attention of foreign investors.

    Discovery Eco-Park

    For example, a huge project known as Discovery Eco-Park is in the planning phase, with an investment of close to $1.3 billion, announced for 2020. Discovery Park aims to combine a wide variety of water parks and recreational facilities with the already strong tourism market focused on nature and wildlife, further promoting the already established reputation of ecotourism.

    At the same time, the Coca Cola group announced its plans to open a new Production and Logistics Center in the Solarium Industry Park, also near the airport.This plant, which will be the most advanced production center for essences and other ingredients for Coca Cola products, will employ around 400 employees.  Without a doubt, the proximity of the international airport facilitates the export of its products to other Latin American countries and other destinations around the world.

    Major players in the world economy

    The fact that major players in the world economy such as Coca Cola have chosen Liberia as their center of operations speaks volumes about the stability of Costa Rica and the long-term viability of Liberia.  These massive investments will attract more tourism, stimulate the local economy and boost local employment.  This massive influx of people will boost the retail sector the real estate market in Liberia as well as all real estate markets in the region.

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