In this year 2019 it has been established that Costa Rica, is in second place of all Central American countries with regards to recovery and recycle of glass, that is, it contributes with 14% of the total glass that is recovered in Central America to be recycled.

It has been significant, that this year the VICAL Central American Glass Group has effectively recovered and recycled more than 9100 MT of glass. In July, 76% of the glass containers placed in the national territory is recycled.
Recycling glass, why?
These actions benefit natural, economic and social ecosystems; it decreases the amount of waste in landfills, energy consumption and the amounts of natural raw materials necessary for the production of new glass containers. On the other hand, using and managing glass generates productive chains that create employment and economic income to society in general.
About the Collection Centers.
Since 2014 there have been other initiatives, to mention one of them, “For a clean world”, a project that enabled approximately 400 collection centers in the seven provinces, to receive an average of 1,200 tons of glass each month. Currently, there are 200 public and private collection centers that manage the separation and commercialization of valuable waste in the country, which provides glass for recycling to the VICAL Group.

The recovery of glass for recycling has been constant in Costa Rica. For this 2019 the goal of Grupo VICAL is to recover 15,600 MT of glass to be recycled. Knowing that this is everyone’s aim, the support of all Costa Ricans is sought. In this sense, Grupo VICAL has strengthened and implemented different initiatives in conjunction with municipalities, ministries, universities, companies, and communities such as:
• Glass X Glass: a permanent campaign that encourages the exchange of glass used for new products of the same material.
• You Have It, We Recycle It: an exclusive program for condominiums and offices that provides an incentive plan for those complexes willing to promote good environmental practices among their condominiums.
• For A Clean World Like Glass: an educational movement that seeks to educate people and choose environmentally friendly packaging materials. More information on Facebook and Instagram: Clean like Glass.
• Agreements with the Ministry of Public Education and the most recent with the Network of Sustainable Educational Institutions (REDIES) formed by 21 universities.
Did you know…? Perhaps you did not know that in March 2018, the crushed glass recycling increased by 18% in Costa Rica. The collection of the crushed glass of that year exceeded by 18% what was collected in 2017. There were about 103 thousand metric tons of crushed glasses recycled by the Central American Glass Group (VICAL) during 2017. This glass, collected as glassware and known as cullet, comes from landfills in the country, collectors and collection centers, followed by bottling glass companies, which make their collection of containers.
The VICAL (Group Grupo Vidriero Centroamericano) is already a 55-year-old consortium consisting of several companies dedicated to the manufacture, marketing, and recycling of glass containers to supply the national and international market of foods, medicine and beverage industries such as spirits, soft drinks, and beers. It has 1539 employees, 2 manufacturing plants in Costa Rica and Guatemala and 3 distributors.
From The Costa Rica News, we applaud all kinds of initiatives that come from organizations in favor of giving greater ecological sustainability to our beautiful country. “Glass is not garbage; on the contrary, it is a valuable material, since it is 100% recyclable, which allows its full re-use in the manufacture of new products again and again.