Recently the President of Costa Rica Carlos Alvarado announced through national television broadcast, the objectives of his government for this year 2020 which was: “reduce social, economic and territorial distribution gaps, especially unemployment”, in the country. This address was transmitted from the Presidential House, in which the Tico president was accompanied by the first lady Claudia Dobles.
In his speech, President Alvarado emphasized the achievement of well-being for the entire population. Also reflecting on the year that ended and noted that it had been a year of hard work, difficult times, but also joys.
Costa Rica achieved great goals in 2019
Alvarado said that Costa Rica has “regained fiscal stability and therefore our confidence and ability to grow more”, and added that during 2019 the Government carried out important decisions such as limiting luxury pensions or launching economic rescue plans for highly indebted people.
“Also this year we saw the conclusion in the construction and putting into service of many hospitals, educational facilities, and road infrastructure projects, all much awaited. And with that, we are as a country rebuilding the confidence that demonstrates Costa Rica’s capability for achieving great common goals.
For the second consecutive year, there is a drop in serious crime statistics, stating “we must continue to recover security and peace“. In the same order of ideas, the president encouraged citizens to continue working together for a better future and renewed hope.
First lady Claudia Dobles said: “We will dedicate the year 2020 to reduce social, economic and territorial gaps in Costa Rica. For this, we will continue untying the knots that stop us to move forward together as a united people and without leaving anyone behind”.
2020 with positive perspectives

According to economists the year 2020 for Costa Rica in economic matters, is one of reactivation, thanks to a series of concrete laws that are projected to be passed. The most important of all, the usury limit rate. This will allow creating greater capacity of payment and lower pressure on the demand for goods and services, favoring also a redirection of credit and loans towards the productive sector. Inflation, experts point out, will remain low and stable, close to the goal of the Central Bank. Regarding unemployment, a recovery is estimated compared to the previous year.
Economic recovery must be the main objective of President Carlos Alvarado, as noted by political analysts Gustavo Araya and Daniel Calvo. For them, the government must give clear and calm signals to the different economic and financial sectors so they can invest in the country. Also, they indicated that the executive must encourage measures that allow the generation of formal employment.
Beyond the investment that the government can make in public infrastructure or the conversion of external debt, according to Araya, it is important to look at microenterprises (SME’s), which can be key to lowering unemployment. “Competitiveness rates must be improved so that small businesses persist for more than three years and have greater solvency. Also, better conditions for investment in traditional sectors must be generated, “said Calvo.
Also, Costa Rica is a country that is still developing, which is why it must continue to deepen its social policies so that there are less inequality and more opportunities for all citizens. Both economically and educationally.

Alarming course of expression. Keep it up!