The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – Today the Foreign Minister of Costa Rica, Enrique Castillo, described Nicaragua´s call for dialogue as an “advertising hoax“.
Castillo said that before any dialogue regarding the border conflict involving Portillos and Calero Islands, Nicaragua must comply with the precautionary measures issued in March of 2011 by the International Court of Justice, which, from Costa Rica´s standpoint , Managua has repeatedly violated .
Last Friday Ortega proposed Laura Chinchilla to form a bilateral commission to ensure compliance with the regulations of the International Court of Justice. “It’s an advertising hoax. We have told the Nicaraguan government that before making such proposals it has to first comply with the court orders ,” told Castillo to the local Radio Columbia .
According to Ortega their activities were suspended at the same time the Court did, and he added that dredging is being done in an area near the small space that is in dispute close to the San Juan river. He insisted that they do not want confrontation with Costa Rica but dialogue. ACAN -EFE
The Costa Rica News (TCRN)
San Jose, Costa Rica

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