The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – For 30 continuous hours, six teams comprised of 20 young people are competing in a hackathon taking place at the 2013 Costa Rican Health Expo-Science and Technology.
The event, which is organized by the Ministry of Health, seeks to highlight several investigations related to the consumption of tobacco, where both public and private universities and institutions of state show different aspects of prevention and quiting smoking .
According to Health Minister Dr. Daisy Corrales, this event will see first hand the projects that could be considered medium to long term by his institution.
“Young people are working on different applications which, through innovation are creating six projects seeking to combat smoking,” said Dr. Corrales.
One of the innovations that are competing in this hackathon is by a group of three siblings who are working on an application called “Breathe Together”.
According to one of its creators, Daniel Castañaza, the idea is to provide additional support to people who want to quit.
“This project focuses on enabling people around the smokers to help them, the final idea is to create a community to share experiences and hear from other quitters to support others who are part of the social network,” explained Castañaza.
Gabriel, one of the creators of the application said that this idea came from the great success of social networks, so it will be linked to Facebook.
The result of this marathon will be released on Friday, where first place will win ¢1,500,000, second will be ¢1,000,000, while the team in third place will win ¢500,000.
The Costa Rica News
San Jose Costa Rica

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