
    Childbirth, Natural, Baby, Mother, and Cesarean

    Natural Birth Cesarean

    Must Read

    Carlos Silvahttp:////
    Journalist, Writer, Hot Speaker, Proactive, Entrepreneur, believer and passionate about the world around me!
    natural birth
    natural birth

    Natural childbirth is one that occurs through the vagina, is triggered spontaneously from a series of hormones, such as oxytocin, which sends signals to the body to start the whole process of expulsion of the baby, usually this usually happens between week 37 and 40 of gestation.

    There are many cases where women choose to give birth naturally and without any medication and rely instead on key techniques to carry out labor such as relaxation and controlled breathing to manage pain.

    When giving birth naturally, the mother takes control of her body and usually has a companion during labor that, with great delicacy, guides and supports her throughout the process.

    For many future moms, having a natural childbirth is not related to being a “martyr” nor being “brave” means considering labor and delivery in itself as a natural fact, and not as a medical disorder.

    Many women with low-risk pregnancies opt for the natural way to avoid the possible risks that drugs can pose for the mother or baby. Analgesics can affect labor, such as lowering blood pressure, slowing or accelerating labor, causing nausea and generating a sense of lack of control by the mother.

    Nowadays women can choose whether to carry out natural birth or cesarean section, professionals who attend natural deliveries, have been previously trained in providing basic medical care in situations such as shoulder dystocia, postpartum hemorrhages, sutures of vaginal tears and resuscitation. neonates and above all the decision making in the diagnosis of any indication of risk in the event of any complication in childbirth.

    However, there are many women who choose natural birth to be more in touch with the birth experience and manage delivery in a more proactive way.

    Path to Natural Birth


    It is a way of giving birth “with little technology” by allowing nature to take its course. This may include:

    Go through the birth process without the help of medications, including pain killers such as epidurals.
    Little medical technology, such as fetal monitoring.
    Do not make the cut in the region between the vagina and the anus, called perineum to make room for the baby to come out easier in childbirth.
    The woman directs the labor process in the way that is most comfortable for her.

    Caesarean section

    Cesarean delivery is the removal of the baby through surgical surgery, which makes an incision in the abdomen (laparotomy) and in the uterus of the mother, involving some risks in the intervention and should have some care after she.

    Cesarean section is the safest procedure to resolve complications with vaginal delivery and thus maintain the wellbeing of the fetus and the mother.

    In some cases the cesarean is scheduled, and in others, it is done when previous complications arise.

    Many women flee from natural childbirth for fear of feeling pain and having their vagina damaged, and they choose caesarean as a saving element.

    Some recommendations

    Some specialists recommend caesarean section in case of emergency:

    When the child comes sitting, better called as abnormal fetal position.
    Very close mother’s pelvis or mother’s exhaustion.
    Preeclampsia or eclampsia.
    Failed induction of natural childbirth.
    Placenta previa or uterine infection.
    In case of herpes vaginomatosis it is necessary to extract the baby by caesarean section so as not to expose it to infection and avoid complications in their health.
    When the mother has had her first child by caesarean section and is going to give birth to the second one in less than a year.
    The cutting of a second cesarean section is done in the same place as the first one.

    maternal love
    maternal love

    In the procedure of caesarean section, in some cases the baby does not expel the liquid that is stored in his lungs, this is known as “wet lung” this hinders the breathing of the newborn, while eliminating it. In these cases a review of 2 to 3 days in an incubator is required.

    In the case of caesarean at the time of birth the baby comes out nicer, cleaner than in a natural birth, but must be under observation to verify the proper functioning of his lungs and heart, when the baby has no complications remains all time with mom

    When a woman undergoes a cesarean, the pain is more intense, since it is a wound in the abdomen that causes much more discomfort and when walking uncomfortable and causes difficulty to the mother and takes about a month and a half to heal by full.

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