
    World News

    Occupy Consciousness

    Passive observation is the essence of methodless meditation."]A friend wrote with a question that goes right to the heart of the human crisis: “When we experience the still place within us during the negation of thought, is that when...

    PGA Tour to Embrace Latin America

    The PGA TOUR Latinoamérica is set to tee-off in September 2012 and run for four months. Next year, officials hope to expand the tour by at least three events."]The golf organization announced the creation of PGA TOUR Latinoamérica, a...

    Nurture is More Important Than Nature

    What is true for the minds and brains of adults is also true for the minds and brains of young, developing children."]In an age when everyone is bombarded with too much information and noise, the sound of a gently...

    Col. Gaddafi Killed: What’s Next in Libya?

    The EU and the US as well as Asian countries should open their markets for ten years for all products from North Africa like fruits and textiles to stimulate growth and jobs."]In only a few months the world’s longest-serving...

    Latin America Fights Human Trafficking

    SANTIAGO, Chile – The number is staggering.Trafficking in persons is one of the worst violations of human rights,” United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said."]There are an estimated 2.5 million people being trafficked at any given time throughout the world,...

    Latin Americans to star in World Series

    WASHINGTON, D.C., U.S.A. – Albert Pujols has a chance to give his team the ultimate good-bye gift: a World Series title.St. Louis Cardinals first baseman Albert Pujols, a native of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, is hitting a...

    Venezuela – The Debt in Foreign Currency has Increased

    Nelson Merentes, president of the Central Bank of Venezuela said the amount of debt in the foreign currency has increased by about 230% in the last five years. As per the reports by BCV or the Central Bank of...

    Does Libya Belong to its People Now?

    Libya has cost America USD896 million. While UK tax payers have to fork out £200m the total costs to Britain are likely to amount up to £1bn and rising – just to kill one man!"]COLOMBO (IDN) - In 2009...

    From Sentience to Sapience

    The great irony of evolution is that, though it took billions of years to evolve a brain capable of awareness of the sacred through self-knowing, employing time prevents us from the realization of that potential.Most people believe, consciously or...

    Costa Rica Having a Hard Time in the Panamerican Games

    Teobaldo Fumero and Felipe Camacho gave Costa Rica its first win in the Panamerican Games wich are being held in Mexico.Fumero and Camacho, both competing in racquetball, imposed on Colombia with a partial 15-13 and 15-19.It was the first...
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    Costa Rica International Shorts Film Festival 2025 Hosts 55 Short Films

    The Costa Rica International Shorts Film Festival is preparing to launch its 3rd edition, a celebration of short films...
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