Happiness is in Costa Rica, is in El Despertador
Wake up! it's time to tell you about the happiest place in Costa Rica... The place is called, by the way, El Despertador, and the people who come out of there call it "the school of happiness" or "the...
It Is not Physical or Mental: What is the “Real” Health that Must be taken Care of to Live Lighter and in Peace?
Spirituality is considered a personal and individual journey into the soul: an adventure that encourages one to walk through the deepest corners of the heart, mind and soul in order to know oneself in deep communion with a Higher...
Spiritual Consequences of Being Patient
Being patient is not only a virtue admired in various cultures and religions, but it also has significant spiritual consequences. Patience is often considered a form of self-control and discipline, allowing individuals to maintain composure and inner peace amidst...
Why Should We Live in Gratitude?
Gratitude recognizes and honors the wise nature that hides behind each form, whether material, such as a person or a fact, for example; or energetic, such as intentions, feelings, etc. There are those who materialize this energy, making it...
The Spiritual Consequences of a Plant-based Diet
The decision to adopt a plant-based diet can have various spiritual consequences, as it often involves a shift in one's mindset, lifestyle, and connection with nature. Here are some potential spiritual consequences of embracing a plant-based diet:Many spiritual...
Balancing the Material and Spiritual Components of Your Life
Balancing the material and spiritual components of our life is an ongoing journey that requires conscious effort and self-awareness. In this fast-paced and materialistic world, it is easy to get caught up in the pursuit of wealth, success, and...
Culture & Lifestyle
Choosing a Qualified Shaman for Your Ayahuasca Journey
Choosing a qualified shaman for your ayahuasca journey is of utmost importance to ensure a safe and meaningful experience. Ayahuasca is a powerful plant medicine that has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest for...
Spiritual Consequences of Transformative Meditation
Transformative meditation is a powerful practice that goes beyond the traditional methods of meditation. It aims to bring about profound and lasting changes in an individual's life, not just on the physical and mental level but also on the...
Consider a Transformative Retreat in Costa Rica
Are you considering doing a transformative retreat in Costa Rica? Look no further! Costa Rica is a popular destination for people seeking personal growth and transformation. With its lush rainforests, beautiful beaches, and peaceful atmosphere, it provides the perfect...
Spiritual Consequences of Putting Your Family First
Valuing one's family has profound spiritual consequences that extend far beyond the realms of material wealth and societal success. In a world often plagued by individualism and the pursuit of personal gain, placing a high value on family helps...
Latest News
Surfer Malakai Martínez from Tamarindo Wants to Stay on the Crest of the Wave in Costa Rican Circuit
He had barely started walking when the national champion of the open category was already on his surfboard thanks...