

    Is Your Rx Harming You?

    Is Your Rx Harming You? What You Should Know About Statin Drugs …Cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins are among the most commonly prescribed drugs in the United States. Generally, if your total cholesterol level is 240 milligrams per deciliter...

    Shocking DNA Test Results for $20?

    © 2011 Health Realizations, IncA home DNA test kit that costs around $20 has been developed by Pathway Genomics, and the kit may soon hit Walgreens or local drug store shelves near you.As the WJZ news station reported, the...

    Respiratory Support

    Respiratory ailments can range in severity from mildly annoying to fatal, and can affect all ages, from infants to the elderly. Several symptoms are common for acute respiratory ailments, including fever, headache, fatigue, weakness, stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat,...

    Costa Rica Retirement: ¿Habla Español?

    If I needed any reminder why it’s important for retirees to learn Spanish, today was an object lesson: trying to communicate by phone with medical personnel to request results of some routine lab work be emailed to me. Not...

    Hidden Insomnia Health Risks

    Insomnia, the most common sleep complaint among Americans, means “no sleep” in Latin. And as the definition implies, people with insomnia may not only have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, they may also not feel refreshed or restored...

    8 Ways to Avoid The Top 5 Common Crippling Exercise Injuries

    Regular workouts can help you prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer. They promote healthy blood sugar levels, improve your mood and energy levels, help control your weight, promote healthy bone density and more.In other words, there’s no shortage...

    Muchas Fiestas for Costa Rica Retirees

    With Halloween behind us and the December holidays and New Year’s festivities just ahead, it seems like a good time to talk about días feriados (national holidays) here in Costa Rica. For retirees who decide to move to this...

    Retiring to Costa Rica: Some Mysteries Unraveled

    Let’s pick up where we left off in my last column on the importance of a “due diligence” tour of Costa Rica before zeroing in on a retirement target of moving here. So let’s say you have made a...

    Public Force Officials Train in Aerospace Center

    Costa Rica Medical Evacuation Personnel help in flood relief."]A doctor and a nurse, members of the Public Force, were sent to receive special training in aviation medicine to be able to respond in case of emergencies or natural disasters...

    A Costa Rica Retiree Explores the Food Aisles

    For anyone considering retirement in another country, the final months of preparation are often filled with unanswered questions about the future home. Issues of transportation, language, medical care, security and crime, cost of food and cultural norms beg for...
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    National Symphony Orchestra to Offer Six Free Concerts in Desamparados, Santa Ana, and Guanacaste

    With a musical repertoire that includes works by Gioachino Rossini, Leroy Anderson, John Williams, Vinicio Meza, and Carlos Guzmán,...
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