

    Top UN official confident richer nations will renew vows to curb carbon emissions

    DURBAN, South Africa - The Associated Press. The top UN climate official said Saturday she is confident industrial countries will renew their pledges to cut greenhouse gas emissions after their current commitments expire next year.Further commitments under the 1997 Kyoto...

    Bhutan holds a 4-nation climate summit

    THIMPHU (IDN) - Keen to guard its ranking as Asia's happiest country, Bhutan has hosted a climate summit and an international symposium accompanied by an exhibition in the Kingdom's capital Thimphu – far away from the hustle and bustle...

    Wind energy catches on throughout Central AmericaEnergía eólica gana popularidad en Centroamérica

    With oil prices fluctuating wildly and global warming a growing threat, eco-friendly wind turbines – once an unfamiliar sight in Central America – are suddenly popping up in valleys and plains from Panama to Guatemala.Between 2009 and 2010, the...

    Limon to host Costa Rica’s first carbon neutrality centreLimón tendrá primer centro de carbono neutro

    San José Costa Rica. The Experimental Station "Los Diamantes", in Limon, will soon be declared to be the first Government owned farm to reach a net zero carbon footprint. Its main objective is to reproduce the model in other...

    Jatropha Biodiesel

    "Jatropha seeds have great performance to produce high quality oil, the plantation is perennial, and adapts well." This has been the conclusion of the videoconference "Presentation of the Jatropha curcas L. network for investigation, development, and innovation in the...

    Renewable energy on the rise in Latin America and CaribbeanEnergía renovable en aumento en América Latina y el Caribe

    Washington, D.C., U.S.A. – Latin America and the Caribbean are the world’s cleanest regions when it comes to energy sources.Renewable sources meet 30% of the demand for primary energy – transport, industry and commerce – in the region, well...

    Latin America proposes sustainable agriculture plan

    San Jose, Costa Rica, October 21 (ECLAC/FAO/IICA). Despite the current context of volatility and high food prices, in the long term, the agricultural sector in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) will be able to take advantage of the opportunities...

    Costa Rican animated film teaches about climate change

    httpv:// Frankling Chang, Costa Rican astronaut, on climate change and Odyssey 2050"Odissey 2050", an animated film made in Costa Rica was released to the public last Friday. The movie was produced in collaboration with the British Embassy, and its purpose...


    Tourists have come to associate Costa Rica with breathtaking views of the likes of Arenal, Irazu, Poas and Turrialba; lush rainforests, beautiful, exotic beaches, great surfing, and a love of nature that is embodied in both the land and...

    Paulownia Tree Could Become an Environmental Solution

    Pavulonia a multipurpose tree of Chinese origin, is able to capture 50% of carbon dioxide, used to feed livestock, wood provides only 9 years, nourishing the earth's crust and shade to avoid the loss of weight gained by high...
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