
    Culture & Lifestyle

    Looking To Learn Spanish?

    Costa Rica is the hub of commerce for many foreign visitors from all over. The country usually receives tourists from the United States, Canada, the UK and other English speaking countries. When they come, most of them have a...

    Gender Gaps in STEM Careers Show Promise

    STEM careers, or those involving Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics, have traditionally been dominated by men in the past. But due to the efforts of several organizations and educational institutions, the rate of women pursuing these jobs has risen...

    6 Churches To Visit In Costa Rica At Any Time

    If you ever visit the Ticos’ country, you can’t fail to drop by the different churches in Costa Rica. No matter the season of the year or if it is Easter season, going to one of these architectonic monuments...

    What Makes Gallo Pinto So Awesome

    A painting in food: the rice is the texture, the beans the pigment. The softer the bean, the stronger the color. Like a brush on canvas, the beans color the rice, a mix of endless black and white of...

    Spanish Teaching for Foreigners in Costa Rica

    Learning Spanish in Costa Rica is EASY and affordable!For a number of different reasons, language researchers have estimated that English is the most widely-spoken language in the world. With over one and a half (1.5) billion speakers, this number...

    CNN en Español Featuring Pura Vida Costa Rica

    Alejandra Oraa is the journalist for CNN en Español who will be in charge of the new season of Destinations, the travel and tourism section of the international news chain. The Venezuelan, who since last week has toured different...

    Small Producers Association Specializing In Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development

    Women have an important role in a producing company like APPTA. This fact, for one, doesn’t affect the participation of men who take part in both the production and decision-making process. This has broken paradigms in the population. “When...

    Gastronomic Flavors of Costa Rica

    Casado or typical food is the most common dish in Costa Rica. It consists of beans, rice with finely diced red peppers and onions, fried bananas, a cabbage salad with tomatoes and carrots, and a choice of meat between...

    Band of Women of Costa Rica Offered Its First Concert

    Three decades ago, for the first time, a woman managed to join a concert band and ran into adverse circumstances; From the official who did not want to receive her documents because "in bands, there are only men"; As...

    Action for Rivers

    A National and International CelebrationMarch 14th was the International Day of Action for RiversCosta Rica is commemorating the International Day of Action for Rivers by celebrating the fact that eight dam projects in the southern region have been filed in...
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    Why Should You Not Eat Cheese Before Having Sex? We Explain

    Eating certain foods before having sex can influence overall well-being and sexual function. Here are some key points about...
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