
    Awakening to Empowerment

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    True empowerment is to live from a state of joy, optimism, success, and creativity. Our empowered self is aware of our innate potential and the infinite possibilities for us to explore.
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    To be empowered we live free of fear, doubt, worry, or depression. We are confident in who we are and we joyously pursue the inspiration that manifests in our lives.

    Empowerment does not mean arrogant, domineering, forceful, or flawless. Empowerment has little to do with wealth, fame, or beauty. It is a blossoming and becoming of our authentic self, the remembering and embodying of our true nature. From this state, we can come to alignment with our unique and divine purpose and the passions that arise to guide us on this path.

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    Many people are seeking a way to arrive at their own empowerment. The journey of awakening our own empowered self-begins with a commitment and practice of self-love. Our personal health is profoundly connected to our ability to live an empowered life. Love is by far the ultimate master healer, and so the practice of self-love becomes a powerful force of healing in our own lives. As we remember that our bodies are temples for our divine soul to dwell within as we make this tour of Earth, we then naturally incorporate practices that honor our bodies as sacred. This inpouring of love helps to not only raise our level of health but also raises our vibration and experience of positivity. The more we commit to a healthy way of living and how we treat our bodies, it becomes natural for our emotional and mental health to improve as well. With the absence of infirmity, depression, anger, or suffering, we have less distraction and more energy and focus for projects, relationships, pleasurable activities, and creative endeavors.

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    Following self-care and self-love, what I have found to be a sure path to living in empowerment, is to follow inspiration and intuition. These inner guidance systems are our way of incorporating divine navigation. Inspiration and intuition are built into our blueprint of being to assist us in actualizing the optimum reality for our lives. Although most of us come from a culture that teaches us to make decisions from the mind – logically and rationally, I encourage you to try a different approach to life.

    Our innate wisdom and ability to follow truth is built into us. It will take practice, trust, and dedication if you are not accustomed to living your life led by your inspiration and intuition. Begin by tuning into what brings you joy. What do you feel drawn to? Inspired by? Excited about? This is what you need to pay attention to. This is an inspiration and it is trying to lead you to your purpose, success, and joy.

    Intuition is a gut feeling and a heart feeling. It is what feels like truth and pulls you to listen and follow. When you tune into intuitive guidance, there is no doubt or second guessing. Intuition is a sure knowledge, a magnetic attraction to where we need to give our attention.

    When we follow these navigation systems the common reality is increased positivity, success, and good fortune.

    Purpose and empowerment are undeniably inter-related. With love being the most powerful force we know – it is through our own willingness and ability to share and receive the love that we deliver ourselves out of suffering and lack, into the abundant state of empowered living. Instead of choosing to live according to the expectations of others or to prolong suffering by repressing our inspiration or denying love to ourselves, we can choose the path of great love and begin to heal and transform our lives. Through this nurturing and caring for the life we have been given, we call back to life the true essence of our soul – which is a glorious, magical creation with a divine purpose for being born.

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    As we continue this journey by honoring and listening to inspiration and intuition we will be guided to the opportunities, relationships, and resources needed to enhance our experience and support our purpose. Each of us is unique beings with infinite possibilities and potential. Learning to dwell in that knowing and begin to access that infinite source is the beginning of empowered living.

    I encourage each of you to begin making simple changes in your lives and see the results. Think only positive

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    and loving thoughts towards yourself – stop the self-hate and negativity … make healthy choices for your body and in your relationships. Do the things you love to do and express your creative urges. Make time for nurturing and caring for yourself. Tune into integrity, honesty, and what feels right. Allow your intuition to teach you and guide you, and allow yourself to follow inspiration as it manifests. By continually incorporating these simple practices, you will grow in your empowerment and your ability to create the life of your dreams. This takes dedication and courage. You will need to stand up to every limiting belief and habit you have allowed influencing your life. You will need to overcome apathetic tendencies and take the risk of rejection for your authentic expression. Yet the work and the risks are worth it. As we strengthen our superpowers and remember our true nature, we find ourselves manifesting the joy and success we once only dreamed was possible.

    For those of you seeking a catalyst for your empowerment, you are invited to join us in Costa Rica December 17 -23  for an all women’s Awakening Shakti Retreat at the gorgeous and magical Posada Natura. Follow the link below for more info or to register –

    To learn more about me, and for health guidance, life and wellness coaching, mentoring programs, retreats, and other services, please visit my website –

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