A Traffic Situation in Costa Rica Began with a Bribery Detention and Ended in a Defamation Demand

In life, many people during their journey carry with them a phrase referring to the fact that “every cause has its effect”, meaning that every action can have consequences both immediate, medium, and long term. So it is prudent to take care of yourself and take into account your principles and values.

We emphasized the above, due to the situation that occurred in San Rafael de Escazú, when, due to vehicle circulation restriction regulation, as part of the sanitary measures in Costa Rica due to Covid-19, a female driver with the last name: Montero is stopped, and is found by the police officials to be without a driver’s license, a violation that in various countries generates a fine.

The aforementioned citizen with two other people who were with her in the vehicle offered 70 thousand Colones to the police authorities to let them go, which is considered bribery. Later, she was detained by the officials of the Escazú Municipal Police, who also removed the license plates. Montero didn’t realize that the officials were recording the incident with a Body Cam that one of the officials had on his vest.

Now, according to the principle of legality, her arrest for trying to bribe a public official would lead to her being convicted and subjected to a trial procedure of which she would be paroled, then pay a fine and problem solved.

But everything turned out differently, because… she started being exposed to public scorn since supposedly, everyone knows who she is and the video of her detention was circulated on Social Media. Montero stating that the only person who could have made the video go online was precisely the police official who recorded it.

Now there is a criminal and civil liability against this police officer who made the arrest, in this case, the citizen is alleging protection by article 1,045 of the Civil Code, which establishes that “every person who, through willful negligence or fault, causes harm to another has to compensate with damages the defamation”.

We invite our readers to give their opinion about this bizarre incident.

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