When the aura gets dirty, it shows us that we are charged with bad energies in body and soul. A dirty aura attracts low-vibration elements that, in addition to darkening our energy field, obstruct the chakras and affect mental balance and the physical body.
So, cleaning it is very important to be able to start attracting good things into our life. Clearing the aura helps to smooth paths that seemed obstructed and open the doors to new opportunities. Even if you are not an expert in spiritual cleansing, there are some simple ways to cleanse the aura that are available to anyone.

Cleanse the aura with ho’oponopono
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian spiritual practice that aims to discover the divinity within oneself. Basically, it seeks to reconcile us with our essence and with the environment. To do this, a mantra is repeated: “I’m sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you.”
To cleanse the aura in this way, you must first think about what things you have done that may have led to your dark aura. Maybe you have held grudges, maybe you made the decision to do something that did not suit you, maybe you are absorbing too much the energy around you.
Once you’ve found that trigger, keep it in mind as you repeat the mantra. You say it to yourself, to the Universe, and to each person around you. “I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you”. Repeat this until you feel the energy start to flow better in your body.

Cleanse the aura with Reiki
Reiki uses the power of the hands to change energies and help you heal. It is one of the best tools to cleanse the aura in seconds. Although if you are very charged with bad energy, it is advisable to turn to a specialist, you can do a quick and easy cleaning with this exercise.
Place your hands on your forehead in a cup shape at a distance of a few inches. Your palms should be open and pointed at your body. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, move your hands down with the intention of eliminating negative energy . When your hand reaches the feet, place them on the ground and leave them there for a minute or two, until you feel that the energy has been absorbed by the ground. Do this seven times and then wash your hands under running water.

Cleanse the aura with a salt bath
This is the simplest and most traditional way to cleanse the aura. Take a handful of salt marine or processed, and hold it in your hand while you bathe. Rub your fist against the skin all over your body, like a sponge, always from top to bottom. It is very important that the salt does not touch your body. After cleaning is complete, dump the salt down the drain.
If you have a bathtub, you can do the same process by adding a few drops of essential oils to the water to enhance the aura cleansing effect.