The beauty of its beaches, the attractive landscapes of its national parks, impressive volcanoes, imposing mountains, a variety of flora and fauna, were the main attributes that rated Costa Rica as the number 1 of the 40 most beautiful countries in the world, according to “Conde Nast Publications” magazine, considered one of the most serious and prestigious specialized publications.

The Magazine used the criteria of its editors and the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum to highlight Costa Rica as the most beautiful country in the world. The study took into account factors such as security, infrastructure, sites declared as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO, a variety of animal species and the attractiveness of its natural wealth.
“It’s easy to dive into the Pure Life when you’re surrounded by misty waterfalls, deserted beaches, and protected jungles; so true when a quarter of the country enjoys some form of environmental protection”, according to the magazine.
Among the innumerable attractions mentioned in the publication, there is Isla del Coco, a world-renowned place to dive accompanied by species such as manta rays, dolphins, hammerhead sharks, and turtles; another highlighted site is Amistad National Park.
According to the publication, the country is positioned as the most beautiful, above other nations such as Iceland, New Zealand, Austria, Dominican Republic, Canada, Norway, Switzerland, Spain, Mexico, Australia, Greece, the Philippines, Botswana, Italy, and South Africa.
This distinction joins others that Costa Rica has received, such as in July of this year, when it was placed as the third best destination in the world for botanical tourism, there they took into account the Braulio Carrillo National Park and also the Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge.
As data of interest, with regards to botanical tourism, the country has more than 1,000 species of orchids, being Monteverde as the region with the highest density of orchids on the planet; in total Costa Rica is home to more than 10,000 species of plants. For animal lovers, in this beautiful refuge of our Planet, you will find a true paradise for its diversity of fauna that includes 232 species of mammals, 838 species of birds, 183 species of amphibians, 258 species of reptiles and 130 species of freshwater fish.

Among the most outstanding species that inhabit this territory are the puma, jaguar, deer, monkey, coyote, armadillo and countless species of birds, among which the Quetzal, the Yigüirro and the Hummingbird stand out.
Undoubtedly, Costa Ricans are proud and happy to have the most beautiful country in the world. Interestingly, this beautiful nation of Central America, already in 2015, during the ceremony of “World Countries Awards 2015”, won awards in all the following categories:
– Best country in the world: Costa Rica.
– Most beautiful capital in the world: San José.
– Best cuisine in the world: Costa Rican cuisine.
– Friendliest people on the planet: Costa Ricans.
– Most charming men: Costa Ricans.
– Most beautiful women: Costa Ricans.
– Humblest humans on the planet: Costa Ricans.
Other reasons to love Costa Rica.
1) For the quality that is provided in health matters: According to a study by “International Living Magazine”, Costa Rica is the fourth country that provides the highest quality and most affordable health care in the world (France, Uruguay, and Malaysia, respectively, were positioned in the first three places of this study).
2) For the quality of the food.
Costa Rica has a warm and welcoming climate that provides fresh and healthy food products.
3) For its low cost of living.
It has a wide variety of low-cost homes, services, and products both national and foreign.
4) For protecting the environment.
Not only those it has 27% of its territory with some kind of environmental protection but admirably, it has actually decreased the levels of deforestation. In 2012, a law was banned that prohibits sport and commercial hunting and possession of wild species.

In November 2017, expert travelers from around the world agreed to highlight which the countries with the most were dazzling views, taking into account their landscapes and national parks. Among the 15 countries chosen, Costa Rica stood out as one of the greenest and most environmentally aware nations on the planet, with ideal destinations for nature lovers, with endless ecotourism activities; as well as cultural activities and, of course, enjoy its incredible and paradisiacal beaches.
For all these reasons, we invite you to visit and get to know up close Costa Rica, here you can enjoy endless and unique destinations for the experiences of a lifetime. It will be very easy to immerse yourself in the “Pura Vida”, a phrase that characterizes our country when you are surrounded and in the middle of waterfalls, deserted beaches, and protected forests.