I woke up to the beautiful song of birds announcing the dawn, the new opportunity to start another day, I look out the window encouraged by the always peaceful view of finding the sunlight between the Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatépetl volcanoes, thoughts of health, love, truth and beauty, trust, harmony and peace encouraging me to start the morning and go to meet my life project also to share it with others.
The 35 kilometers that separate Mexico City from the Cabañas de XoteTatakany are a delight; forests, streams, enchanting lakes, sources of water gushing from the bowels of the earth in mountains full of greenery and freshness, for me they are a beauty full of inspiration.
Sharing the organization of the life project with others is the best option these days
Taking advantage of these days of quarantine, an exercise called Life Project was born, where the participants develop an action plan to create the life they have always wanted; a manual of procedures to move from the life they have to the life they want.
It is a system of activities characterized by the fact that each participant responds to very concrete and specific questions based on 9 main axes of personal and professional development. The ideal place to develop this type of exercise in an environment where nature, a coniferous forest, provides space, peace, and tranquility to harmonize your whole being.
Place that clears your mind
A place where the mind is cleansed and the enchanting landscape is allowed to fall in love with each participant, their thoughts, evoke a call to forms, and ways of coexistence in contact with nature, an inexhaustible source of inspiration, awakening in each and every one of them. purest joy;
Sea Turtle Rescuing: Why just one?
Suffice it to think, for example, of the light that filters through the new leaves during the spring, or the richness of the aromas in the fall, a walk in the rain is usually invigorating, returning to old childhood adventures; a walk along a path in complete silence where you can only hear the wind and your own footsteps.
These simple and straightforward things help to become familiar with the very nature of yourself. Whether it is discovery or rediscovery, the pleasure of understanding and feeling in unison with land, water, wind and sky is immense and unique. These types of exercises allow each participant to obtain the keys to their own kingdom, that is, to their human nature, those that open the secret door, the imaginal world of the soul through an adequate practice of active Imagination, explore in a Spiritual Body, a Celestial Earth, collect raw material from that universe to build in the dual universe a new mansion where to inhabit a renewed human being with the perspective of a present of health, love and beauty, trust, harmony and peace.