“Earth Hour”, a symbolic act that consists of turning off the lights of emblematic monuments, houses or offices as a protest against the destruction of the Earth’s ecosystem and biodiversity, will be held this Saturday the 27th between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. For 60 minutes, buildings as iconic as the Eiffel Tower or the Sacred Family will remain in the dark to protest against climate change.
Despite the fact that Earth Hour has become a very popular claim, there are currently many daily habits that we can acquire to try to save the planet:
At home:
Reduce the consumption of disposable plastics.
Bet on low-consumption appliances. Find them with the labels A +, A ++, and A +++.
Look for the MSC (Marine Stewardship Council, an independent global non-profit organization that sets a standard for sustainable fishing) seal on fish or shellfish. This certification indicates provenance and sustainable abduction of the animal.
Avoid the ‘stand-by’ of electronic devices. Try to keep them completely off while you are not using them.
Do not keep chargers plugged in if no device is connected.
Don’t waste your shower water. While you wait for it to heat up, you can collect it in a bucket and reuse it to flush.
At work
Adjust the brightness of your screen to a medium level and try to leave them completely off, not at rest.
Print only on paper if necessary. And recycle or double-sided it whenever possible.
Avoid disposable containers to consume food. It is preferable to use ‘tuppers’ or glass bottles.
Turn off the lights in empty rooms and keep the windows closed as long as there is a heating device on.
In the city
Do not abuse private transport. It is preferable to use public transport, bicycle or walk.
Prioritize the purchase of proximity products to reduce the ecological footprint.
It promotes the installation of renewable energy in public buildings.
Look for clothes made with organic cotton or ‘slow fashion’.
In the countryside
Respect the fauna of the area. Don’t disturb their ecosystem by screaming, moving their nests, or damaging their houses.
Avoid uprooting plants or flowers; they could be protected.
Keep the field clean: do not throw garbage, plastic or cigarette butts on the ground.
During the excursions, use the marked paths for this.
Notify authorities if you see any act that could endanger the natural resources of the area.