
    The trains of Costa Rica

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    The train is an important means of transportation in Costa Rica, as it allows workers as well as tourists to reach their places of work and recreation faster and more efficiently.

    As a result of booming business and activities in Costa Rica, transportation throughout the country is critical, and bus and car services are an excellent means of getting around. However, perhaps the most efficient way to travel is by taking the train

    In 1991, the rail network in Costa Rica was significantly damaged during an earthquake which led to the operation to be suspended in 1995. As of 2005, the regular transportation

    Trains are a confortable way to travel

    of passengers was reactivated. It comprises of Metropolis in Pavas up to the Latin University in San Pedro de Montes de Oca.

    Later in 2009 the train service between the capital and the city of Heredia was launched, with great success and acceptance of the users for the time saved.

    Some time later, in 2011 and 2013 the services to Belén and Cartago were reactivated. In 2014, this service was extended to the province of Alajuela, a project that began operations in 2017.

    The passenger train is beneficial for tourists and residents alike, as it connects communities of much interest, both touristic, historical, educational  and commercial, with the roads becoming increasingly congested, due to construction work and the influx of people, this train makes the journey between the different  destinations much easier.

    Similarly, the train system helps open the roads, as more people opt for this form of transportation to go to work or leisure on a daily basis.

    Schedules of the Urban Trains of Costa Rica

    Departure in the Afternoon Train from Heredia to Estación al Atlántico

    Departure time train from Heredia to Estación al Atlántico (duratión 30 min aprox., 5min until Mira Flores, 10 min. until Santa Rosa y 20 min. until Cuatro Reinas)

    Monday to Friday: 04:00pm; 04:30pm; 05:00pm; 05:30pm; 06:00pm; 06:30pm; 07:00pm; 07:30pm; 08:00pm; 

    Departure in the Morning train from Heredia to Estación al Atlántico

    Departure time train from Heredia to Estación al Atlántico (duratión 30 min aprox., 5min until Mira Flores, 10 min. until Santa Rosa y 20 min. until Cuatro Reinas)

    Monday to Friday: 06:00am; 06:30am; 07:00am; 07:10am; 07:30am; 08:00am; 08:30am;

    Departure train from Heredia to Latina University 

    Departure time from Heredia to Universidad Latina (duratión 30 min aprox., 5min until Mira Flores, 10 min. until Santa Rosa y 20 min. until Cuatro Reinas, 40 min, aprox. until UCR y 45 min. until U Latina )

    Monday to Friday:06:30am; 07:30am; 05:30pm;

    Departure in the morning of the trains from Belén to San José

    Departure time of the train from Belén to the Estación al Pacífico, San José

    Monday to Friday: 05:55am; 06:40am; 07:15am; 08:05am; 08:45am;

    Departure in the afternoon of the trains from San José hacia Belén.

    Departure time of the train to Belén from the Estación al Pacífico, San José

    Monday to Friday: 04:10pm; 05:05pm; 05:35pm; 06:40pm;

    Departure in the afternoon of the trains from Belén to San José

    Departure time of the train from Belén to the Estación al Pacífico, San José

    Monday to Friday: 04:20pm; 04:45pm; 06:00pm; 06:30pm; 07:20pm;

    Departure in the morning of the trains from San José to Belén

    Departure time of the train from Belén to the Estación al Pacífico, San José

    Monday to Friday: 06:10am; 06:35am; 07:25am; 08:05am;

    Departure in the afternoon of the trains to Atlántico

    Departure time of the train from San José to Heredia Duratión: 30 minutos aprox.

    Monday to Friday: 05:30am; 06:00am; 06:30am; 07:00am; 07:30am; 08:00am;

    Departure from the Univesidad Latina to: Heredia 15 min. to Estación al Atlático and 30 min. more to Heredia

    Monday to Friday:06:15am; 04:15pm; 06:15pm;

    Departure in the afternoon of the trains to Atlántico

    Departure time of the train to Heredia from San José

    Monday to Friday: 03:30pm; 04:00pm; 04:30pm; 05:00pm; 05:30pm; 06:00pm; 06:30pm; 07:00pm; 07:30pm;

    Departure from the Estación al Pacífico to Heredia

    Departure time of the train from Estación al Pacífico to Heredia  Departure time of the train from Estación al Pacífico to Heredia

    Monday to Friday: 05:30pm;

    Departure from Estación al Pacífico to Metropolis III

    Departure time of the train from Estación al Pacífico to Metropolis III (Duratión Total 35min morning 40min afternoon. aprox.)

    Monday to Friday: 05:00am; 06:15am; 07:25am; 03:50pm; 05:35pm;

    Departure from Metropolis III to Freses

    Departure time of the train from Metropolis III to Freses (Duratión 40-45min to Estación al Pacífico and 1h +10min to Freses )

    Monday to Friday: 06:45am; 04:55pm; 06:15pm;

    Departure from La Jack’s to Plaza Víquez

    Departure time of the train from La Jack’s to Plaza Víquez (duratión 20min Estación al Pacífico, 25min aprox to Plaza Víquez) This train goes direct to Heredia Monday to Friday:05:05pm;

    Departure from Estación al Pacífico to Freses

    Departure time of the train from Estación al Pacífico to Freses (duratión total 35min. aprox)

    Monday to Friday: 06:15am; 07:25am; 04:25pm; 05:35pm; 07:00pm;

    Departure from Freses to Metropolis 

    Departure time of the train from Freses to Metropolis III (duratión 35-40min to Estación al Pacífico, 1h +10min aprox, to Metropolis III)

    Monday to Friday: 06:50am; 05:05pm;

    Departure from AYA to Freses

    Departure time of the train from Freses (duratión 20 to the Estación al Pacífico aprox and 50 min. aprox to Freses)

    Monday to Friday: 04:10pm;

    Departure from Metropolis III to Estación al Paciífico

    Departure time of the train to Estación al Pacífico. (Duratión total Aprox. 35min in the mornings, 45min in the afternoons)

    Monday to Friday: 05:35am; 06:15pm;

    Departure from Freses to the Estación al Pacífico

    Departure time of the train from Freses to the Estación al Pacífico (Duratión 35-40min aprox)

    Monday to Friday: 06:50am; 08:00am; 05:05pm; 06:10pm; 07:25pm;

    Departure of the train to Pacifico

    Departure times from San José (recreational trips) to Pacifico (these schedules could vary)

    Saturday and Sunday: 06:30am;

    Return of the train from Orotina

    Departure time of the train from Orotina to San José, (these schedules could vary)

    Saturday and Sunday:04:30pm

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