Public Security Minister Michael Soto said that they are already coordinating with the Judiciary to carry out a stronger approach, allowing intervention in private properties, through search warrants, this after the past weekend left 1,500 complaints about public scandals, crowds of people, liquor consumption and parties, reported through the 9-1-1 emergency line, disregarding the National Safety Measures implemented for control of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The Minister regretted that these activities persist, in which the security forces have to “use a stringent effort”, despite the record numbers of contagions of COVID-19 registered in the country in the last weeks. “One would believe that with the numbers just indicated by the Minister of Health, Daniel Salas, there would be a higher level of awareness among citizens, but no, this is not the case, unfortunately, we continue to have extremely busy weekends, with the unconsciousness of our citizens about what the country is experiencing,” he said.
Soto said that only in Purral, Guadalupe, a report was received of a party in which a drunk man had to be disarmed, who threatened the officers with a machete. “We reached this level when what we want is to ensure regulations compliance, for the safety of Costa Ricans, and this type of circumstance occurs,” he lamented.
New measures
Faced with this type of incident, Minister Soto commented that Police Forces are already coordinating with the Judiciary to carry out a stronger approach, allowing intervention in private properties, through search warrants. “The law establishes that the authorities can request a search warrant when there is a situation or an event that goes against public health, as in these cases,” the official warned.
Soto noted that in most interventions people gave up on continuing the irregular activities; however, he stressed that the new measures are necessary for any impediment arising that must be channeled more forcefully.