The Chamber of Restaurants and Related Products (Cacore) of Costa Rica asked its affiliates to comply with the sanitary measures imposed by the Government, with the aim of avoiding more business closures. For the sector, these types of situations would cause more unemployment and affect the economy.
“We strongly urge all our affiliates, entrepreneurs in general in the food and beverage sector, and citizens, to comply with the COVID-19 protocols,” said Cacore. The Chamber also stressed that the operating protocols in bars, restaurants and related businesses throughout the country will be strengthened. It is intended that all comply with the measures 100% “for the socioeconomic well-being and health of the entire country.”
New measures
As of May 13th, they will apply new measures for the commercial sector, which has yet to recover from the closure that occurred in the closing week between May 3rd and 9th. The provisions imply a reduction in capacity as follows:
– Bars: drop from 50% to 25% of their capacity
– Academic and business activities: the capacity is lowered from 300 to 150 people
– Social events rooms: maximum capacity will go from 75 to 30 people
The measures will apply at least until May 31st. In this way, it is intended to reduce the number of positive cases of COVID-19 as well as a reduction in hospitalizations.
“We all know what trade closures and restrictions represent, the social and economic impact that this could entail, including mental health; For this reason, within the framework of the shared management model “Costa Rica works and takes care of itself”, we all have to do the same to avoid contracting the COVID-19 virus,” stressed Cacore.
Among the golden rules indicated by the Chamber for establishments are the correct use of the face mask, hand washing, respect for distance, cleaning and permanent hygiene in the premises as well as availability of water, alcohol and soap for customers.
Avoiding more closures
Previous closure provisions led to a growth in jobless citizens; and the occupancy rate still does not recover to pre-pandemic levels. In the latest Continuous Employment Survey, an increase in unemployment was reflected in the first quarter of this year when the rate was set at 18.7%, which corresponds to 458 thousand people without work.
On the other hand, health authorities reported this Monday that there were 5,992 new cases between May 8th and 10th, while 1,280 patients remain hospitalized for health complications due to the virus.